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nationalgeographic t1_j9li25c wrote

Yes indeed! I have served as a reviewer for the Nat Geo Level 1s twice now.

  1. Make sure that the project focus that you are applying for is accurate. For instance, don't put your project under "conservation" unless you are planning to measure and evaluate specific conservation metrics as part of your project. In other words, a lot of projects span both research and conservation, but if we aren't measuring impact, then those are under the "research" focus.

  2. Make sure that you do your due diligence about the need and broader impacts of the project. NatGeo likes to fund projects that will make a meaningful impact of some kind.

  3. Make sure you are meaningfully involving local scientists/communities in the work that you are doing. It's easy to tell when someone isn't doing this at all, or is being surface-level about it.