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veerKg_CSS_Geologist t1_j9t2o22 wrote

That doesn’t answer the question of what impact if any all the satellites will have.


Unlikely_Plankton_11 t1_j9t6tug wrote

It’s a relevant point to make, because we still have barely started to fix the actual massive problems and people are already bored and looking for distractions in the noise.

Of the two things, coal plants are so hilariously worse and larger in scale that satellites may as well not exist at all for all the difference it makes. When you have people going “yeah yeah coal whatever, let’s look into these satellites though!” it takes up mind space, airtime, political capital, and manpower that could be used on far more impactful things.

And in this case it sure seems like the motive is “ugh corporations,” not genuine concern for the environment.


Alphageds24 t1_j9tidor wrote

Exactly my point, and ya totally feels like it's "ugh corporations", and targeting just starlink seems like it's an Elon attack and not at all looking at the satellite junk from many companies and governments.