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DenebianSlimeMolds OP t1_j9wa5nx wrote

Thank you, and with my layman's understanding of the issues, I agree (fwiw). I have to note how sad it seems that your answer requires a bit more honesty than I see around reddit and elsewhere...

Very frustrating how everything gets so polarized these days and often everyone is wrong in large part because they don't have enough humility to recognize what you wrote in your very first paragraph: "understanding that the answers have some amount of uncertainty is the mark of good scientists. "


Romarion t1_j9ypykn wrote

The primary issue (IMO) is the remarkably large number of scientists and physicians who abandoned facts and science in favor of ideology. A large number did not abandon their patients, but their voices were ignored or silenced. Which of course takes us back to the death of journalism, but that is another topic.