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Mr__Teal t1_jbb7wvi wrote

It's 83km, you could walk that in a day at least on Earth. Might be easier to do an easy run on the moon rather than walk, but outside needing a support crew to resupply you with air you could probably do it on the moon as well.


clonked t1_jbbwclz wrote

If you managed to do a constant pace of 15 minute miles, walking non-stop, it would take nearly 13 hours to walk ~51 miles (83 km). That is technically achievable, but not by a majority of people.


zxyzyxz t1_jbcw5kz wrote

How does the lower gravity factor into it? Does it make it easier to walk across? What would the effort feel like as opposed to walking that far on Earth?


clonked t1_jbd22vy wrote

The lower gravity can actually make you walk slower, because there is less ground tension from the lower gravity. Overall it would be a considerably harder task on the moon, their gravity is ~16% of what earth's is.


Wild_Sun_1223 t1_jbc0bez wrote

Yes, since a Earth day is 86.4 ks, then you can do it at a walking pace of 83 / 86.4 ~ 1 m/s, which is slower than average (1.4 m/s). But in practice you'll wanna sleep, so maybe two Earth days is better than one. Note that regarding oxygen, bottles could be laid out in advance similar to an Everest climb on Earth, and there could be a half-way camper for sleeping.