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[deleted] t1_jbuqny2 wrote



[deleted] t1_jburrfy wrote



chihuahuazord t1_jbvaz6s wrote

This is the equivalent of a Republican saying “it’s snowing in Texas today so global warming isn’t real”.


mmoarpgfps t1_jbytxr7 wrote

"Sea levels been rising since the 60s, thats why the actual sea currents end on the same level and no island(looking at the one made for liberty statue) has maintain its sea level from its creation"

You can believe whatever you want at this point. Reality wont change because of it.


chihuahuazord t1_jbz1srp wrote

You have so, so much to learn. I bet you think you’re always the smart guy in the room too lol


[deleted] t1_jbxsay8 wrote



mmoarpgfps t1_jbxxoqq wrote

I know the dates. Oct 2016 to june 2018. But it was a brief pilot experience, also PPL not CPL. Thats why i say at soempoint it wasnt that special.


TheReapingFields t1_jbus5d8 wrote

Show me where I specifically said it WILL, for sure. I said it CAN.

I am only half joking when I said at the start of my post that I hope it does, because otherwise I have been wasting my time! It helps a lot when you have occasional bouts of anxiety stemming from trauma, I know that much. A bit of a rewire is no bad thing when what you start with isn't any fun to deal with.
