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[deleted] t1_jbz0mc4 wrote



HeraldOfNyarlathotep t1_jbzorvo wrote

Trying to envision the process of sustainably farming any of the "zombie" fungi en masse is rather uncomfortable, thank you.


sfchimera t1_jc09dj8 wrote

Hate to break it to you, but every single day people are experimenting with every single premise of every zombie movie ever made.


HeraldOfNyarlathotep t1_jc0chw3 wrote

It's moreso envisioning how mass production would be applied to it, than anything.

And that's certainly not true. Zombies in media are generally ridiculous in many ways even if you handwave the actual function of a zombie virus. For the same reasons an AI uprising is simply not remotely scary compared to media portrayals of the idea; we've yet to find or make something similar. A little like saying we're experimenting with planet-glassing lasers because we're experimenting with powerful lasers.

Research is being done on all sorts of much more immediately dangerous stuff, and generally with very good reason.


Idyotec t1_jc14qyi wrote

Cordyceps Militaris can be grown in labs. It parasitizes ants. You can make an ant powder based substrate. Cordyceps Sinensis is harder due to the silkworms and altitude it's used to iirc. There are a bunch of Cordyceps for all kinds of insects, grasshoppers and crickets would probably be easy too but I don't know the strain name for those.