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kompootor t1_jdgv6yk wrote

Your question makes several simplifying assumptions, which is understandable because almost every depiction of a neuron in pop culture is of a stereotypical pyramidal neuron, common in many interesting parts of the brain, which have the single long axon and big bushy tail of dendrites. But as you can see from the link, the axon also has a lot of projections on its end and indeed can connect to thousands of other neurons in different parts of the brain (in this type).

In terms of how information is relayed, that depends on where the neurons are located and what type they are. But sticking with these pyramidal neurons in the brain, the transmission, processing, and storage are all part of the same procedure as a neuron, upon receiving enough input signals of enough strength in enough time, will then fire a signal (action potential) of its own down its axon to the neurons it connects to. The storage part is achieved when many more signals come along one connection than another, the former connection is strengthened while the latter is weakened. (This synaptic plasticity has the common description of "Those that fire together wire together.") The principle of how all this works is exploited when we build artificial neural nets, as used in AI. Getting into that will get even more off-topic.


bionor t1_jdhidjf wrote

In addition to that, I've read about a recent discovery where they either found a new type of dendrites that can send signals as well, or that the regular dendrites could.. IDK, I don't remember, but something along those lines. Was from a reputable source I believe. Do you know anything about it? What I remember for sure is that they said this new discovery meant there were more ways for information to be transferred than perviously known and that it could have implications for our understanding of consciousness.


aggasalk t1_jdjg6e3 wrote

Arthropods have a whole class of neurons that work like this, getting inputs and sending outputs through the same terminals. I don’t think it’s common in vertebrates though.


Ech_01 t1_jdgq1yp wrote

Neurons receive a large amount of information from other neurons, and the dendrites' role is to integrate and process this information. The information is then filtered, and only the relevant information is transmitted along the axon to other neurons. The more dendrites you have, the more information you can receive.

The filtering of information occurs through a process known as synaptic plasticity, where the strength of the synapses between neurons can be adjusted based on the input received. Inhibitory neurotransmitters can also play a role in filtering information, as they can decrease the likelihood that an action potential will be generated in the neuron.

Let’s say you have nerves for sensing pain on the tip of your index. They all need to cross the same path to make their way to the spinal cord (dorsal horn). So the body has lots of these pain sensing nerves on the tip of your fingers that connect to a larger neuron that fires a strong and incredibly fast signal to the dorsal horn. Then we get a signal that fires back from spinal cord level to your finger to pull it back and then the process gets processed in the brain.


kompootor t1_jdgvlzn wrote

Sorry but I'm fairly sure this answer is incorrect on almost every point. You should double-check your statements online briefly, consider making corrections as appropriate, and maybe cite the sources you use in your answer.


Ech_01 t1_jdgwbdb wrote

Hi, I’m sorry but what’s wrong with what I said?


[deleted] t1_jdgprcz wrote



kompootor t1_jdgtovh wrote

For you and the sake of others: this answer is entirely incorrect. Neurons don't work this way and photoreceptors don't work this way at all.