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PsychedelicJellyBean t1_jdssps3 wrote

It's lifting it's front legs as it runs but you can see how it's sort of dragging it's back legs, putting the weight on them. It's more like a fat labrador bounding lol. Not a complete canter but i see how close it looks.


KimberelyG t1_jdtiy1u wrote

That "fat labrador bounding" (pretty accurate description lol) is unfortunately not a natural motion but is caused by this elephant's front legs being hobbled together by chains. Example pic of chain hobbles on another elephant.

In OPs vid, you can hear the chains rattle and see them connecting the front legs together as the animal moves. Trying to run while hobbled is what's causing the unnatural 'bounding' gait pattern of this elephant.


[deleted] OP t1_jdtoxla wrote

I agree with you that the elephant's front legs are chained, causing him to run like that. This answered my question. Thank you very much.