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Zagrycha t1_jdtk85j wrote

gallop and canter are a physical capability, nothing to do with looks. just like a human moving fast is not galloping, neither is an elephant. so regardless of what it looks like now you know :)


[deleted] OP t1_jdtldr9 wrote

You are right about moving fast is not the same as gallop. But in the question I only mean his running pattern, not the speed.


Leaislala t1_jdtw0v7 wrote

Canter is a 3 beat gait with two of the four legs moving in unison. Although it originates in the hindquarters the beat of the gait itself is often counted as 1. One front leg (lead) striding out, 2. Opposite front leg and diagonal hind leg moving in unison, 3. Opposite hind leg and the pattern repeats 1 2 3, 1 2 3 It is often counted that way especially from the ground because one fore leg seems to be leading - a left lead or a right lead. A right lead would originate with the horse pushing off the left hind, then the opposite diagonal pair moving together, then the right front leg. Either way you count it, the actual gait and rhythm is the same - 1 2 3. Gallop is a four best gait with a moment where all four feet are off the ground.

This is not how an elephant moves