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razovor t1_jdvwixm wrote

Walking on two legs lets you;

- Walk further

- Use more tools

- Cool down easier

- See predators coming from further away

The disadvantages are

- Lower back pain and similar problems.

- Poor climbing ability

- Lower sprint speed.

it seems our niche, where we rely on tools and walking long distances, is a lot rarer than the niche that relies on sprinting and climbing


dataphile t1_jdw3r83 wrote

It seems this is a better answer than many—there is rarely a ‘smoking gun’ single reason that a bodily design is selected for. There is usually a constellation of various bodily features that mutually reinforce a ‘successful’ species design. Also there are multiple reasons why a feature is selected — it could be that walking long distances, seeing further on the savannah, and using our hands are all contributors.

Humans are in several ways a constellation of unusual features that work together. We are odd in being relatively hairless mammals. It’s unusual we eat such a broadly omnivorous diet. Our heavy focus on intelligence is weird.

What seems to be the précis for our design is adaptability and sociability. We’re somewhat like orangutans (who also have comparatively long childhoods) in that we range over large distances, eat a lot foods, and have the intelligence to know how to adapt to these varying environments and foods. However, we’re more social than orangutans and range over wider areas.


FlattopMaker t1_jdywcqn wrote

No other creature in the fossil record or recorded alive at any point in time can throw like a human and fashion tools to throw like a human with that curved and fragile radius and fragile shoulder held together by ligaments and tendons. It's not just the standing and the walking, the back pain, and the twisting foetus for birthing - the tool use outweighed the disadvantages. Cave guys standing up and bumping in to the stone shelf to grab the good cave drawing soot cursed but kept the verticality.


duc4rm3 t1_jdyffq3 wrote

I also heard that standing on two legs allows us to support a heavier head (and thus a bigger brain) which enable us to become smarter than other animals.


CompetitiveYou2034 t1_je8pgtb wrote

Horses have large heads, but do not have comparably large brains. They do have strong necks.

Humans around the globe are social pack hunters. Language skills help coordinate. Accident with hyoid bone placement in our neck helps us produce many diverse sounds.