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j0m1n1n t1_itfzhlg wrote

Oh! I can give you some answers here! I wrote a paper on this a couple of semesters back for a human physiology class.

  1. Alcohol interferes with absorption of thiamine in the gut.

  2. Alcohol interferes with the conversion of thiamine to thiamine pyrophosphate, which is the form that participates in the citric acid cycle.

  3. Alcoholics tend to have poor diets overall.

  4. They will often have other nutritional deficiencies as well, but thiamine deficiency in alcoholics can lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome which can cause brain damage, cognitive deficits, memory loss, and even death. So treating thiamine deficiency is often a higher priority than other deficiencies.


BigBillyGoatGriff t1_itg3m25 wrote

I give this to ppl constantly thanks for telling me why.


RockleyBob t1_itgtmku wrote

If you work in a rehab facility or treat addicts in a hospital, thank you for your service. I'm a success story and it's because I got good care.


Unrealgecko t1_itgz5vw wrote

Yay! And anyone reading this: don’t wait to go. Go when the symptoms are mild; if you are turning yellow or feel your heart racing, it’s time!


damnitmcnabbit t1_ith59hm wrote

Why is heart racing symptomatic?


CardiOMG t1_ithggxq wrote

Alcohol is a depressant. When you are withdrawing, your nervous system is over activated. So you can have tachycardia, hypertension, tremors, etc.


cremasterreflex0903 t1_ithewxn wrote

Possibly due to cardiogenic shock from multisystem organ failure. Without lab work and facts thsts pure speculation. Jaundice points to liver failure and tachycardia can be caused by a ton of things.


FoThizzleMaChizzle t1_ith0p1v wrote

Super interesting! When I was 20, I visited a detox facility and there was a guy there who I was told had "wet-brain". I just now learned, after 12 years, what this actually means.

He was reduced to the level of a hallucinating child, talking about how he was about to be forced into the army, then woke up with paramedics standing over him on the sidewalk.


[deleted] t1_itge91e wrote



MenWhoStareAtBoats t1_ithdsw4 wrote

This is the correct answer. Another factor is that the body stores thiamine in the liver, and chronic alcoholics often have damaged livers.


j0m1n1n t1_ithfgf5 wrote

Yes, thank you! I was trying to remember one more mechanism that I discussed in my paper. You hit the nail on the head.


[deleted] t1_itga6ce wrote



[deleted] t1_itgan52 wrote



[deleted] t1_itgc63z wrote



[deleted] t1_itgcrjp wrote



[deleted] t1_itgd39j wrote



[deleted] t1_itgddag wrote



[deleted] t1_itgnafa wrote



[deleted] t1_itgox3z wrote



[deleted] t1_itgr9nf wrote



zag12345 t1_itgsq4j wrote

????? Are you ok lmfao what more do you want, you have symptoms you have a hangover every Person is different not everybody goes through the whole bandwidth


[deleted] t1_itgbulp wrote



[deleted] t1_itgcjdb wrote

