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willywalloo t1_irqgk1c wrote

I was trying to imagine an odd life-form that could be one that could theoretically span the life of the universe for some mental gymnastics.

And this is where things start to get weird for myself in my own conclusions. But humans are weird, and fun. So I go.

The life-form would have to be present today, somewhere in space time.

It would have to be physical because of my own requirements.

From our perspective and in my opinion it’s time would pass orders of magnitude more slowly than ours and therefore would not change much.

Something I kind of liked to fathom — of the oldest things we know: are rocks. They will outlast the stars, our planet and technically our version of life. They aren’t biological, but for me it allows my mind to not be as rigid about what life maybe should we begin leaving earth as a species.

If I was to develop something that would be able to last trillions of years based on research, it would be a life form that would have a lot in common with a rock, it would be interesting to see if we can survive into the next big bang, something that may or may not have ever been done before.