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TheGoblinKingSupreme t1_itq55cm wrote

Yesss like the people with “blindsight” - a lot of people with damage to a particular area of the brain (I forgot the name of the region. I want to say occipital lobe but I don’t know for sure) were consciously blind, but their brain could “see” what they couldn’t unconsciously. We then figured out this part of the brain was like the middleman between the eyes and your conscious self, IIRC.

Absolutely crazy to me. Imagine that. You can’t see anything, but you can TELL something is there. You know how it’s moving. You know how close it is to you. You know how it makes you feel, but you dont know you’re seeing anything.


turgidNtremulous t1_itrkinf wrote

Yeah, philosophers and neuroscientists have long struggled with the problem of why consciousness exists. But an equally deep problem is why our human consciousness seems to be aware of such a small fraction of what is actually going on in our brains.


jackduloz t1_itt4gpk wrote

Do you really think you need root privileges, man? You can really hose up a system quick.


flashpb04 t1_itrjczi wrote

Okay this is tripping me out… could anyone with more knowledge about this expand a little more?


IrvTheSwirv t1_itrwnxv wrote

See also Hemineglect where someone has absolutely no concept of the left side of anything including the world around them. Refusing even to acknowledge their own left arms or legs.


flashpb04 t1_itu6t70 wrote

Bruh what?? Continue…..

Also, keep these coming people. I’m a healthcare clinician & have never even heard of these things. Just fascinating.


TheGoblinKingSupreme t1_itrjr86 wrote

Please reply to me if they do!

I don’t deal a lot with human stuff, I mainly specialise in plants, but the brain has always fascinated me.

That barrier between unconscious and conscious processes has always been so intriguing to me.