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seanbrockest t1_itq3lh9 wrote

Conversely there was a short story included as part of "Fallen Dragon" by Peter F. Hamilton that described a civilization whose solar system was inside a thick nebula of dust. Not being able to see anything but their own star, they never bothered to develop astronomy or space exploration, their civilization rising and falling all without ever having stepped off their home planet.

Silver lining, they never had to deal with astrologers.


FDUK1 t1_itqf6co wrote

Or Kricet (?) In Douglas Adams Hitch Hikers Guide to the galaxy. Where the inhabitants don't know the universe exists until a space ship crashes on the planet. They then vow to destroy the universe as an abomination


Alfred_The_Sartan t1_itqmlpx wrote

I was trying to think of who wrote that one. Tip of my tongue moment. Thank you.