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libertyandfreedom22 t1_iubezwf wrote

Any reason a lot of doctors don’t seem to follow this protocol?


MeiNeedsMoreBuffs t1_iubg3ey wrote

Keep in mind that doctors are still human, and humans are susceptible to biases, misinformation, and politics. A lot of doctors chose not to treat patients suffering from AIDS in the 80s for example.


aphilsphan t1_iubtsxf wrote

But the protocol seems to indicate they SHOULDN’T treat trans adolescents. Because most family doctors won’t have the right training. What most doctors should actually do is refer their patients to someone with proper training.


[deleted] t1_iublf9r wrote



hmantegazzi t1_iubtfjq wrote

the WPATH standards have been very recently updated in a very comprehensive fashion, so there might be a number of assessments about the previous version still circulating, that point at weaknesses that don't exist anymore.


[deleted] t1_iublvtq wrote



LupinKira t1_iubrcd2 wrote

This suggests a narrative that is both inaccurate to the reality of the situation and disingenuous to the data we have. Regret rates are very low (<5%) for individuals who undergo hormone replacement therapy or other gender affirming therapies:

Furthermore, doctors aren't hesitant to prescribe gender-affirming care because it's "forefront" or "experimental" and they don't want the risk. Doctors who don't want to provide gender affirming care are uncomfortable with it because they're uncomfortable with the concept of trans people to begin with. Trans people in the US get refused not only gender-affirming care, but also general care at a staggering rate (>40%):

This narrative frequently parroted about how minors shouldn't have access to gender affirming treatments because they're going to regret it later is also indicative of a lack of understanding of trans people as a population. People don't just "trans their gender" on a whim. Even as an adult who openly identifies as transgender and is socially accepted the act of going on hormones can be extremely difficult. People don't change their entire social identity and open themselves up to mass discrimination and bigotry for a kick, they do it because it's the only way for them to live.


ReplyingToFuckwits t1_iubsw81 wrote

> You don’t want be the doctor standing in court in 5-10 years when the child turns into an adult and happens to regret their choice of undergoing surgery or hormone therapy.

Very few people regret it. Of those who do, they predominantly talk of social issues such as bullying, violence and discrimination. Only a tiny fraction of people stop identifying as trans.

This is something that has been studied and shouldn't be handwaved away so you can make a point on social media.


aLittleQueer t1_iubpczu wrote

> it’s on the frontier

It’s not, though. There is nothing new or experimental about any medical care being offered to trans kids or teens, It’s just newly present in the broader cultural awareness.