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extra_specticles t1_isnn5zj wrote

Hi hashem.

Thanks for doing this. I would like to ask you what are the major mistakes you see most other educators making when trying to convey complex information to a diverse audience?


intengineering t1_isno81s wrote

Great question! The most common mistake is not relying on visual storytelling. Visuals are key to conveying complex information. Whether it’s part of a video, a book or a PowerPoint slide, without proper visuals, ideas can be lost. Readers and viewers will have a difficult time processing information. You always need compelling visuals to support what you’re talking about. It’s also important to remember that visuals shouldn’t be randomly placed in the material. They should be custom-made because different ideas can be represented in different visual format. Infographics, motion graphics, graphs, etc. They all help in delivering the idea straight to the target audience.