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Fforfailinglife t1_isyjkbe wrote

I was unemployed for like 2 months and I naturally started waking up around 2 and just like doing whatever then going back to sleep an hour or two later and that’s the only time in my life I’ve felt well rested and wasn’t tired all day


GoodTodd1970 t1_isyr206 wrote

I did the same while unemployed for 3-1/2 months. Seemed like a wacked-out sleep schedule, but it was effective. Now I'm back to the 8-5 grind and it's take a week to change.


FlowerFeather t1_iszbbr1 wrote

SAME!!!!!!!!!! DURING summer breaks when i was in uni that was my default sleeping pattern. absolutely amazing


Ihopetheresenoughroo t1_isz19an wrote

What time did you go to sleep before you woke up at 2?


Cyb3rSab3r t1_it0stpd wrote

I did this in college and I went to sleep at 9, woke up for an hour around 1, and then went back to sleep at 2 and woke up around 6 or 7.


Hisgoatness t1_iszdbw7 wrote

What if you felt more well rested because you work working?


ladydanger2020 t1_it0yair wrote

Same. The real issue is that if I know I have work in the morning I stress about not getting enough sleep and can’t get back to sleep the second time and end up with 3-4 hours