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Izawwlgood t1_iy2imxk wrote

I think it's interesting that dogs have adapted to fulfill emotional needs as well as hunting and guard keeping needs.

But yeah, look at... Pollinators for example as coevolution. A lot of plants lost the ability to reproduce without an insect being bribed to do it for them. And that got creative and weird.


UtetopiaSS t1_iy2nl0d wrote

I actually have a theory that dogs were initially trained to collect sticks and twigs for kindling, and that's why their modern day descendants continue to want to fetch and collect sticks.


TheLostHippos t1_iy3vpi0 wrote

Most modern dogs don't fetch without additional training. They play with sticks just like little kids pick up sticks and swing them around for fun. Dogs were kept around as alarm systems, pest control, and for their unbelievable sense of smell.


CatHavSatNav t1_iy2w7xx wrote

The partnership between certain Hummingbirds and Orchids is quite amazing.