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Cultural-Opposite937 t1_ivya4b2 wrote

This is correct, the region that isn't inactivated is called the psudoautosomal region and is what allows the pairing between the X and Y (or two Xs) during meiosis.

People with only 1 X have haploinsufficnacy for the genes in this region and that leads to the alteration in their phenotype, including non-functioning ovaries or streak gonads (phenotype can vary).

Those with trisomy of the sex chromosomes (XXX, XXY, XYY) may also have altered phenotype due to overdosing of the genomic products of these regions (though XXY tends to have more effect than XXX and XYY doesn't seem to have much effect at all, despite what early studies may claim). Instances of these are also much higher than Turners syndrome (1 in 500 for XXX and 1 in 1000 for XXY and XYY)