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Cannie_Flippington t1_ivz1ird wrote

Internet says it's not directly inherited. Which makes sense since it's a mutation during meiosis so the resulting gamete would be XX, XY, X-, or Y-. In order to be inhereted the germ-line cells would all have to be XX or XY in someone with three chromosomes and would be incomplete in someone who had only partial XX or XY and they would likely have pretty severe fertility issues. At least 50% of all first trimester miscarriages are due to chromosomal instability, and being XXY, X, X+, Y, Y+, or XYY all qualifies. For contrast, the number of chromosomally abnormal living people is about .5%. If all the germ line cells of someone who was chromosomally abnormal were also abnormal... that's not great odds for having kids.

Male XYY aren't sterile, but male XXY usually are - but this is because of their testes not working properly, not necessarily what they would produce if they had functional ones.

Most Turner's women are sterile for the same reason - their ovaries just don't work properly. OP lucked out that the ordinary redundancy of the second ovary yielded a functional one and is a perfect example that their gametes are not effected by their own abnormality.


F0xFiree t1_ivz57ul wrote

>Most Turner's women are sterile for the same reason - their ovaries just don't work properly. OP lucked out that the ordinary redundancy of the second ovary yielded a functional one and is a perfect example that their gametes are not effected by their own abnormality.

Yes exactly! I was called a “medical marvel” by my genetic counselor for conceiving not one but two children with little to no difficulty. Something about my specific mosaic make up with my turners really let me “get off easy” when it comes to some of the physical side effects of having it. I have no heart liver or kidney issues, no trouble having kids, etc. I’m just short as hell unfortunately hahaha


Revolutionary-Run306 t1_ivzzbe2 wrote

How tall r u?


F0xFiree t1_iw0b2ab wrote

Average adult height for a woman with turners is something like 4’8”. One of the few instances of my life where I can say I’m above average.