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FluFighterDrJB t1_iwraugq wrote

>piercet_3dPrint · 3 hr. ago
>Where does Influenza "go" in between flu seasons? Is it just slowly working its way around the planet and just takes about a year to make the journey? or does it basically go infect something else until conditions are ideal for us to get infected again? Or is it there the whole time usually and we are just more prone to getting it at certain times of the year?

Influenza is always circulating among humans, just in different locations at different times. For example, the flu season in the US is primarily between Oct-May, whereas in Australia, the flu season is primarily during their winter months. There are other geographic locations where there are multiple ‘seasons’ during a year (for example, in Africa: ). There are lots of different factors which contribute to seasonality of respiratory viruses, such as influenza, some of which are discussed here: .