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foundmyreddit t1_iwtbqbg wrote

I’m surprised no one has answered yet. Carbonation in soda is caused by the liquid being saturated in carbon dioxide gas. If the liquid freezes into a solid ice matrix then the gas will no longer be dissolved (solubility decreases as the liquid gets colder, and eventually once it becomes ice there’s no way for a gas to stay dissolved in a solid) and your soda will go flat.

I think this was the essence of your question — but it does get more complicated if you assume the container remains a closed system (ie the soda freezes but the bottle doesn’t explode). Then the gas will separate from the soda when it freezes but will stay trapped in the bottle. Once the soda is thawed back into a liquid, some of the trapped gas will likely go back into solution, but it’s unlikely it’ll be as carbonated as before freezing


Faelwolf t1_iwthn79 wrote

It would be close to the original saturation, if not the same, if the bottle remains sealed for at least 12 hours after thawing. The expandability of the container would be a determining factor, basically by determining the final ambient pressure for the duration. Boyle's + Henry's laws.


Ok_Construction5119 t1_iww47r2 wrote

This is not true. Solubility of solids decreases as temperature decreases, but solubility of gases increases as temperature decreases. See this image for reference:

To answer OP's question, if, in an isolated system, you returned the system to its original state, the CO2 would redissolve into the solution.

Soda as you buy it is at equilibrium because of the pressure, around 2 psi. The CO2 spontaneously dissolves into the solution, and will again as long as you leave the receptacle unopened. For further information, you can read this:


celo753 t1_iwxetoq wrote

Partially filled would already make your soda at least partially flat, since for your soda to be fizzy the liquid needs to be saturated with carbon dioxide, and having air in the container would make the liquid lose its carbon dioxide to that air.

You could have a high pressure carbon dioxide atmosphere inside your half-filled can, but then you come into a multitude of problems, like the fact that upon opening it would instantly explode like a shaken can of soda, and there would be very little liquid remaining for anyone to drink.


urzu_seven t1_iwy9bz6 wrote

Soda doesn’t go flat the second it’s opened. You can take some of it out and reclose the bottle. It will still have carbonation in it. But the point is freezing a full bottle of soda and unfreezing it is unlikely to work not because of carbonation change but because the bottle will burst due to expansion of the water.


Ok_Construction5119 t1_ix1i7gs wrote

The systems before the phase change from liquid to solid and after the phase change back from solid to liquid will be identical and so will their equilibrium states. It will just take time for the CO2 to dissolve back. It does not matter how quick or slow the phase change itself is.