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fliguana t1_ixooe89 wrote

Most interesting problems are unsolvable in the algebraic sense. Some are very hard, and we don't know whether a solution exists (tethered goat), others are proven not to have a formulaic solution.

Wolfram likes to write about that a lot, check him out


houstoncouchguy t1_ixp2h6w wrote


fliguana t1_ixp4v3i wrote

Solved with caveat - new math symbols were introduced, iirc. Could just call the area of the grazing goat "Ґ", much like we do π.

That's the problem with the Poincare conjecture solution as well: a new area of math was developed just for it.

There are probably 10-100 people in the world who can follow Perelman's proof, and fewer who are qualified to find flaws in it.

Offloading interesting problems to AI will make the problem worse, there will be a lot of "trust me, I am a computer* moments with AI


megastrone t1_iy0veg3 wrote

> Solved with caveat - new math symbols were introduced, iirc.

The closed-form solution found by Ingo Ullisch is on the Wikipedia page for The Goat Problem. It's expressed in terms of pi, sin, cos, and contour integrals.