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TC9095 t1_iy0c9tm wrote

I'm pretty sure 120 years ago kids were not stuffing there face with McDonald's. I really doubt there were overweight kids in that time. They did not eat sugar like we live off of today


Dr_dillerborg t1_iy0eyse wrote

Well Hamburger Charlie was selling fast food hamburgers in 1885 - so technically kids could stuff their faces 120 years ago.


hiricinee t1_iy0dbvw wrote

It's not hard to imagine, going as far back as you can, a highly successful hunter/gatherer tribe where a kid indulged on berries and meat until they got big enough to start puberty early. It'd be a lot harder without calorie dense foods, but the idea that a body can overweight itself into early puberty was still a real thing.


clullanc t1_iy0ufnl wrote

I really don’t think many children eat that way. Lack of exercise I can believe.


julius_sphincter t1_iy0zhf1 wrote

It's almost certainly sugar drinks/sodas that get most kids fat. I mean kids will eat straight dessert if you let them, but most parents know better than that.

What I see way way way too often is kids pounding sodas/gatorades/juices etc that are have more sugar than a bag of candy


Saxamaphooone t1_iy170ji wrote

Juice is a really insidious one. On the surface it can sound like a healthier choice, but when you look deeper it becomes quite clear that it can be just as bad as drinks that are well-known to be full of sugar. I know someone who works in a dental office and they have to have “the juice talk” with parents countless times every year.


ExKnockaroundGuy t1_iy0cxzo wrote

Just look at the sugar content of modern packaged foods and the newer GMO wheat spikes insulin levels creating fat storage. Look at pics of crowds like young people pre 1980 compared to 2022.


biguncutmonster t1_iy0ow55 wrote

Source on GMO wheat? There seems to always be some sort of fear mongering surrounding GMO