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clullanc t1_iy0ufnl wrote

I really don’t think many children eat that way. Lack of exercise I can believe.


julius_sphincter t1_iy0zhf1 wrote

It's almost certainly sugar drinks/sodas that get most kids fat. I mean kids will eat straight dessert if you let them, but most parents know better than that.

What I see way way way too often is kids pounding sodas/gatorades/juices etc that are have more sugar than a bag of candy


Saxamaphooone t1_iy170ji wrote

Juice is a really insidious one. On the surface it can sound like a healthier choice, but when you look deeper it becomes quite clear that it can be just as bad as drinks that are well-known to be full of sugar. I know someone who works in a dental office and they have to have “the juice talk” with parents countless times every year.