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Ok-Development-8238 t1_iy11blo wrote

I tell my anthro students that all the time: there’s a reason it’s so goddamned hard to lose weight. For most of the past 3.8 billion years, your ancestors & their relatives were more likely to starve than have way too much

Still fascinating to me that the brain operates on 20 watts


jduff1009 t1_iy15wzj wrote

It’s actually not hard to lose weight. Just consume less calories than you burn. Pretty basic math.


Ok-Development-8238 t1_iy16jc5 wrote

“It’s not hard to get over depression…just stop having negative thoughts!” 🤣

I have no problem fasting for 48 hours if need be…other people get crazy dizzy after six hours. But I have empathy for people whose psychology & physiology are different than mine


riotousgrowlz t1_iy1rglb wrote

It’s actually much more complex than CICO. Your metabolism shifts as you lose weight and at a certain point it gets harder and harder to lose each additional pound. If you gain weight back (as most people do) your metabolism doesn’t have a corresponding increase so weight cycling actually results in more weight gain over time than making no changes. The hormones that control hunger are also affected by weight cycling and you can get hungrier the more you crash diet and it is HARD to do anything else competently while experiencing hunger pains. So, it’s not really simple math, there are so many more variables at play than simply calories in and calories out.


NightlyNate t1_iy1ryj2 wrote

However, without a healthy diet containing fiber and protein, which satiates hunger longer, people eat more unhealthy (ultra-processed) food which contains fats and sugars and calories, which is packed with fats and calories, which doesn't satiate hunger, which turns into a cycle. Especially if you buy nutrient deficient foods like microwavable dinners and processed products like those.


I hope I make sense.