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CabbieCam t1_ix6z4xa wrote

As someone with arthritis I miss viox greatly. It was an excellent anti inflammatory.


Brevemike t1_ix76t1a wrote

Vioxx was amazing. I’ll take the possible cardiac risk to alleviate the guaranteed pain.


[deleted] t1_ix7adc2 wrote

You’ll change your tune quick if you do have cardiac problems.

Seriously the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced.


Brevemike t1_ix8pqn7 wrote

Sorry, mini-rant.

It was a terrifying event, but being in chronic pain denies me the ability to enjoy having survived. There are days I’m disappointed I wake up.

Each day I get to choose to exist somewhere between pain that renders me non-functional or drugging myself free but insensible. And the drugs are not without their own debilitating side effects and risks.

When I was on Vioxx the side effects and toll it took were unnoticeable. The current drugs leave no question that they’re beating the hell out of my body.

Everyday we risk sudden death in the most mundane of ways. Whether strapping ourselves into metal bullets and hurtling along the ground at 120kph or stepping out of a tub onto a wet tile floor.

I’ll take a 10% increased risk of sudden death in exchange for living relatively pain free.

But I haven’t got that choice. Neither do the many people who finds themselves on increasing doses of opioids for continually decreasing returns - sometimes seeking stronger unregulated drugs and risking sudden death anyway. What if those caught in an addiction cycle could’ve been stopped before they started?

Is it worth the risk?


KaylaKoop t1_ix8euec wrote

I don't take nasaids, but I do take pot, the edible kind, for severe back pain. And it is illegal in my state. If someone told me I would have increased cardiac risk for doing so, I wouldn't hesitate to continue. Until you've had debilitating pain, you have no idea what someone is willing to do. If I got cardiac problems? I figure they would probably put me out of my pain sooner, rather than living with it for year after year.


TZscribble t1_ix90bsr wrote

Pretty sure a day of terror will out weight daily, happiness sucking pain.

I have fatigue and it affects me daily and makes day to day life difficult. A medication that potentially gives heart problems but improves my day to day fatigue? Sign me up.

In fact, that's exactly what the stimulant I am on can do. Still worth it. I can actually do a full 8 hours of work and still make dinner or do the dishes (mind the or - it is 'or', not 'and'). It has made a huge improvement to my life.