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Igggg t1_ix7i9vh wrote

> Maybe, maybe not. NSAID usage over a long period is associated with lower incidence of Alzheimer’s Diesease (Rotterdam study),

Can you cite this result? The one I recall and found appears to have a very mild, and, in any case, non-signficant result.


BZRich t1_ix8jmo8 wrote

This was the initial finding suggesting this in a really small group: McGeer, P. L., et al. (1990). Lancet 335(8696): 1037.

Here is the Rotterdam Study: in t' Veld, B. A., et al. (2001) N Engl J Med 345(21): 1515-1521.

This showed a 5 fold reduction for people who took NSAIDs for more than 2 years. See Table 3 relative risk = 0.2. This caused a lot of excitement.

Alas John Breitner's RCTs say otherwise: ADAPT Research Group. (2008). Arch Neurol 65(7): 896-905.

Meyer, P. F., et al. (2019). Neurology 92(18): e2070-e2080


Igggg t1_ixat4qm wrote

Thank you for the citations!