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UtetopiaSS t1_iyxgh19 wrote

I like your thought process on this. A couple of things.

  1. The speed of light will actually vary in different mediums. I can't be bothered looking to find what they are, and how much light's speed is reduced.

  2. Veritasium does a great video about how proving the speed of light isn't really measurable, and that we've only measured light speed in two directions. I'd highly suggest watching it.


The_Dark_Passenger93 OP t1_iyxgy0k wrote

I know about speed of light in other mediums, but the speed of light in vacuum is C and always constant, isn't it? Thanks for the insight on the speed of light, but what about other constants? How we assure that they are immutable?


Traditional_Story834 t1_iz0xl4y wrote

It's constant to the observer, perceived changes in the speed/energy of the light they are observing are actually changes in time itself. Measuring the actual speed of light is impossible.
