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BlueRajasmyk2 t1_j286vci wrote

IIRC the Aristotle viewpoint was something like, all things are pulled towards the center of the universe, with different elements floating on top of others in the order: earth < water < air < fire (sun) < aether (cosmos).

If you're a video gamer, I highly recommend checking out Odyssey - The Story of Science, an educational game which goes into detail about the "what"s and "why"s of what people believed about the cosmos before modern times, and how each of those theories was disproven.


clicheguevara8 t1_j28p07g wrote

Not really pulled, more like, each element has its natural place, and it’s essence is to find its proper place. There was no force to do the pulling or floating, it was instead an essential property of a the element itself to organize in this way.