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derpderp3200 OP t1_j1cpaij wrote

I never really had hypoglycemia after an actual meal(I know you can get the adrenergic subset of hypoglycemia symptoms without objective hypoglycemia, but it doesn't seem to fit the bill), and my fatigue seems independent of glucose levels- sometimes it hits while they're still high, sometimes after they go back down, sometimes minimal symptoms start before it reaches the peak. I get hours of horrid brain fog, restlessness, anxiety, overwhelming desire to lie down, spend 45-90min in a food coma, and be groggy for several hours afterwards. It gets lighter in the evening, and it's bad enough that I'm afraid of eating during the day. But I'll have to force myself since science suggests that skipping breakfast and one meal a day worsen glucose tolerance, which tracks with my symptoms getting worse after I switched to this.

I'm trying to limit my carb intake, but it's very difficult. For one I'm vegetarian, for two, between ADHD, Sleep Disordered Breathing, and the part of fatigue I now presume to by dysglycemia related, I'm an extremely low functioning person and taking care of myself stretches my capacity very thin.

A lot of the time it's a choice between having some bread and going hungry, and I've been going hungry for a longer time now, which is also bad for my energy levels.