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Alittlebitmorbid t1_j2qod8x wrote

Completely normal. Even hybrid bears have been known (polar bear x grizzly). The Dingo population in Australia is suffering because they mix with feral dogs. It made the news when a 100% pure Dingo puppy (of a certain sub species) was found, he is now fathering little Dingos to help the species. Other animals also sometimes mix. I guess we never notice most hybrids as they either stand out and are preyed upon or just are not seen because it's obviously impossible to monitor this everywhere at all times.


Snizl t1_j2rzc9w wrote

Well Dingos are just feral dogs themselves, same as the prtzewalski horse, which also is just a feral and not a wild horse.


Alittlebitmorbid t1_j2s24qf wrote

Both differ genetically enough from the domesticated variants and took different paths thousands of years ago. In fact it is not sure the Przewalskis were from a domesticated group. They also show a huge lot of characteristics common in wild horses and may be a mix of the last remainders of wild living horses in Europe and domesticated ones. But there are enough other examples. In birds there are about 4000 proven examples of hybridization, half of it due to captivity, the other half occuring naturally, but the numbers are estimated to be higher as it is not always possible to identify wild living hybrids. Also we humans are hybrids, there's still Neanderthal DNA found in us.