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pyro5050 t1_j3c7k05 wrote

so, how would one go about seeing if they have one of these syndroms?

i had counted, when i was much lighter than now, just over 160 lipoma, they are showing up again as i lose weight (yay!) but now i gotta wonder, what else is possibly going on?


Item_Successful t1_j3c7zix wrote

You are far more likely to have a benign condition than a genetic multi-tumour syndrome which risks malignancy.

That being said, if you have any other risk factors, e.g. family history or personal history of other tumours, you may need to see a genetic service who can screen for the relevant mutations.


creative_usr_name t1_j3d1kzn wrote

Good job on losing weight. Because that alone does have an effect on cancer rates.