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Ok-Championship-2036 t1_j3lqoq5 wrote

The answer isnt simple. All language reflects the context in which it is used. However there is no 1:1 correlation, nor is there any "correct" way to use a language. Language is formed to attempt communication, but that requires both transmission and reception. Meaning that the meaning of language can change as it is passed between groups or individuals. In order to establish a response to your question about connection, we would have to be able to quantify an "origin" but its incredibly unlikely we'd be able to do that with certainty unless we have extensive written records AND something to compare to. Even then, there is no guarantee that the history is accurate or complete.

Basically, language is constantly changing by the way its used. We can't nail down any particular concept/style as "more" accurate or more true than another. The only difference between a dialect and a language is the army and navy. (meaning its a political difference not a real one)


Djinn_and_juice OP t1_j3lrq9c wrote

I like that closing sentence a lot! Interesting, sort of by virtue of being living and evolving it’s harder to nail down any definitive answer on this. Both frustrating and really cool at the same time