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Allalngthewatchtwer t1_ja4lzy7 wrote

They look annoyed you woke them up to play cowboys 🤣 like really?!? They do look so cute though.


Jackarthur95 t1_ja5jxrw wrote

He's an outlaw loose and runnin, came a whisper from each lip, and hes here to do some business with the big iron on his hip.


wcbaltoona t1_ja85jnb wrote

Haha, indeed do you leave I stay here.


JEjeje214 t1_ja3u12i wrote

I read that in Sam Elliot’s voice 😂


Doobie_McStonerface t1_ja3klv3 wrote

Looks like it's high noon at the Snuggle Inn saloon. Howdy partner.


B00LEAN_RADLEY t1_ja3uwca wrote

No pets or belly rubs? We don't like yer kind 'round these parts.
