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DirtMcGirt513 t1_ja8dvuf wrote

As a frisbee dog owner, frisbee is life couldn’t be truer. Only thing he likes more is rocks in/at the river


Falkor_13 t1_ja96c3p wrote

What is it about river rocks that dogs love so much?


DirtMcGirt513 t1_ja96jtl wrote

Just loves to chase them and then try to dig them up out of the water. Will dunk his whole head in after them.


Content_Row_3716 t1_jaacfhw wrote

Old friends of mine had a dog like that. It was so much fun to watch!


Lumadous t1_ja9fcdn wrote

Ice cubes seem to be a huge hit for my Frisbee boy


DirtMcGirt513 t1_ja9h1yx wrote

I freeze pumpkin purée for my dude and put it in his kong.


Lumadous t1_ja9ino8 wrote

Sounds like a good idea, except mine hates pumpkins.

He pooped in the jack-o-lantern last year, and I know it was him this time, he did it directly in from of the hidden cameras


LazyAmbassador2521 t1_jaapco6 wrote

Lmao now that is quite a big FUCK YOU to pumpkins! It's like he was trying to get the message across that he literally thinks pumpkins are shit!