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tomveiltomveil t1_ja8deo2 wrote

She looks like she's gonna spend half an hour telling me which Ultimate league I should join.


DirtMcGirt513 t1_ja8dvuf wrote

As a frisbee dog owner, frisbee is life couldn’t be truer. Only thing he likes more is rocks in/at the river


momentoirl t1_ja8l2oz wrote

I’ve always thought that catching frisbees is one of the highest achievements a dog could master. Good doggo.


Itsshrovetuesday OP t1_ja8qgr2 wrote

She will try to catch the Frisbee at all costs (even when my throws are too close to the ground). During one of those bad throws her momentum made her do a bit of a tuck and roll and kicked up some grass. A particularly sharp angry piece got stuck in her third eyelid and required a trip to the vet to have it extracted. I think it was one of those foxtail weeds. They can be pretty sharp and are sort of pronged.

So eye safety gear from here on out as a precaution (because I will most certainly continue to make bad throws).


gimpyzx6r t1_ja8zjy3 wrote

Get that dog some water and shade!! When the tongue flops to the side like that, the next step is heat exhaustion


Itsshrovetuesday OP t1_ja90r32 wrote

She has a big tongue, it always flops like that when she's playing Frisbee. She gives herself a break when she needs it. She will go lay in the shade and take a minute or two. Plus, it was very cold out when this photo was taken so no concerns over heat exhaustion, just getting in some good cardio.


SparklyRoniPony t1_ja9abrg wrote

Those doggles are just too much! I love it. I have a frisbee is life dog as well who likes to “show off” and perform acrobatic stunts while catching it. I wonder if they make something for that? Haha


D00SHBR4IN t1_ja9eztl wrote

She looks like she enjoys the beach


Itsshrovetuesday OP t1_ja9goue wrote

We took her to the beach once and she was terrified of the ocean lol. BUT, we hadn't brought the frisbee with us. I think if we take her again and have the frisbee then she will be too distracted to care about the big scary ocean.


Muggi t1_ja9inun wrote

Love Doggles! My old coonhound/beagle had to wear them when he hung his head out the car window and had a run-in with a suicidal bug.

Of course he punctured his corneas twice anyway, chasing rabbits into the pricker bushes with his eyes open..scent/prey is life. RIP SamDog


classicliberal1 t1_ja9jk64 wrote

That moment you realize someone's doggie is way cooler than you are.

He pulls off a look that I've tried to and failed, the tongue out, shade-wearing freebie dude.


Abnmlguru t1_ja9l89o wrote

Fun fact: The pink triangle that most people think is your tear duct in your eye is left over from when people had nictitating membranes. The actual tear duct isn't really visible to the naked eye.


Woozah77 t1_ja9vgy8 wrote

My non-existent dog is incredibly luck I don't have him. We'd be training him to wear these asap.


nirad t1_jaabryh wrote

I let my dog run through high grass and I worry about something like this happening


Itsshrovetuesday OP t1_jaacmwe wrote

yeah those things are seriously no joke. It looked like a barb when they got it out of her eye. Poor baby didn't even yelp or anything. We just noticed that her eye looked really irritated and took her to the vet. We're super glad she didn't have any permanent damage.


Runescaper4good t1_jaafjxa wrote

Damn, that’s a crazy beautiful lawn. And a gorgeous fountain. And is that Staples Center in your doggo’s glasses?

This is a really cool pic, I adopted my pup from a shelter and he’s got a big scratch on his eye Im constantly worrying about :/ I’m glad I can give him a much better life but a life like your pups are something really special. Thank you for being the best dog owner


grafxguy1 t1_jaao4hk wrote

The name's Poochie D and I rock the telly
I'm half Joe Camel and a third Fonzarelli
I'm the kung-fu hippie from gangsta city
I'm a rappin' surfer you the fool I pity...


justbrowse2018 t1_jaapkkq wrote

My dog loves frisbee too. Have purchased like 20 frisbees in two years, none last, none!


CaptandCrunch t1_jaatpxq wrote

OP, what type of dog is that? My rescue looks very similar (though she goes for tennis balls > frisbees) and I’m trying to figure it out.


vampurr13 t1_jaayt8u wrote

Just makes her that much cooler.


DJShredNasty t1_jaaz4ff wrote

Can you please explain what that evil grass monster did to the good pupper!!??


Itsshrovetuesday OP t1_jab4sye wrote

Haha! She basically went full send on a bad Frisbee throw and did a few tuck and rolls in the grass. We're pretty sure it was a foxtail (nasty little weed that can be kind of sharp) that got into her eye and lodged itself under her 3rd eyelid when she kicked up some of the grass.


RSLunarCanidae t1_jabnrug wrote

Dog goggles are now a thing id love for my dog.. he injures himself regularly. Last fight was a thorny bush in a fence.

Dog goggles.. doggles... looks so cute


Skytraffic540 t1_jabqc4c wrote

Dog: “did u make the reddit post about my doggles yet?”


suruskyxoxo t1_jac1b5a wrote

Hey doggo, those shades look dope on you!!


twigge30 t1_jac6z21 wrote

Doggi Rojas! Frisbee is life!


OJRmk1 t1_jacf6ll wrote

The Most 90's Doggo!