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altitudearts t1_j9rqrk9 wrote

Hey, thanks for being an Amazon driver. We all order more than we want to from Amazon, but you guys show up with our dumb little parcels we wish could be bundled with about five other orders. Thank you.


wheresbill t1_j9rtwlq wrote

I’ll jump in with my thanks. It’s a very tough job and a noble service to deliver goods to someone. Thank you


dego_frank t1_j9s4kkk wrote

It’s a shit job. Stop buying so much worthless shit and ffs bundle your deliveries.


RealZordan t1_j9ss49y wrote

Or don't give all your money to this terrible company and support local businesses.

When Amazon is the only company left, we will all suffer for it.


LNikon720 t1_j9s7bfk wrote

Hey.. Amazon is a shit company.. that gives its employees less benefits and provides worse pay and more oversight than you might have had to deal with at the worst Job you have ever had. Literally micromanaged to the second..

You know what the better Idea is? Shop from a company that provides the same product at the same price... or better.. you just have to push past the first page or two of your google search.. because goolge is a shit company as well.


altitudearts t1_j9s9bj2 wrote

Yeah, we know.

You’ve never ordered from Amazon before?


LNikon720 t1_j9saj6g wrote

Not for an item that I have actually kept, for more than 10 years.

because they treat employees worse than Walmart.. and I feel physically ill when I have to walk into a Walmart.

And I only shop at Walmart because I need to eat. and groceries are stupidly expensive in Canada. Because every thing is stupidly expensive in Canada.


Brailledit t1_j9so6tn wrote

It's almost like we all shop wherever may be the most convenient and/or affordable. 🤔


tenemu t1_j9stiwu wrote

Apparently you need to feel physically I’ll if you walk into a company that doesn’t treat their employees like kings and queens.


Willow-girl t1_j9s7w8y wrote

Ehh, I just finished doing a stint in the warehouse. It was not bad at all, at least at the one I worked at!


LNikon720 t1_j9s8cp4 wrote

Oh really? would you go back?


Willow-girl t1_j9s9vv5 wrote

Sure, if I needed to make some money in a pinch.

I had never intended to stay there forever -- I already had 2 other jobs -- but I needed some fast cash and a night shift wouldn't interfere with the other things I have going on.

I worked in the warehouse. It was very easy. The pay was decent, management was respectful, the facility was clean and safe. I don't know what to say other than that.

Edited to add: I worked there just shy of 3 months.


LNikon720 t1_j9sbz7m wrote

Well.. at least you had your other 2 jobs to support you.

Pulling yourself up from those boot straps.. and all that bullshit.

So you had what 4 hours a week after sleep and work between your 3 jobs for yourself? And these 3 jobs all were okay with you not being available because one of the others needed you night?

I mean honestly.. as a former manager for a shit ass company (dollarama).

Stop being a corporate shill. They don't care about you. They will fire your ass the second you're not able to perform to what ever standard they have picked out that day.

I didn't care.. because my bonus was tied to what I could provide to the Corps bottom line.. the front line workers.. never even heard of my bonuses. My biggest bonus was nearly $30k. (about 1/3 of what of what I make now) Because I cut hours and found ways to decrease expenditures.


Willow-girl t1_j9sedc9 wrote

I work to provide for my loved ones. I'm not complaining.


[deleted] t1_j9sh7qa wrote



TheCrownlessAgain t1_j9siaaa wrote

Are you... ok? Genuinely.

I know it's - 28 in parts of Canada and inflation is hitting hard but time moves on. It will pass. It costs us nothing to be generous and kind humans as opposed to treating others like a bad corporate manager.


chronoswing t1_j9sogzl wrote

Jesus, you really giving this guy a hard time for trying to make some money? Clearly you've never struggled a day in your life.


tnguy931 t1_j9swu8n wrote

For real. He's calling someone else a corporate shill and then describing how he cut workers hours to get a 30k bonus. I've never gotten a 30k bonus.


Willow-girl t1_j9ukjig wrote

I'm not a "guy," lol.

But yeah ... I don't love my employers nor do I expect them to love me. I do the work I agreed to do and receive the pay I agreed to work for. If I don't like either, I'm free to walk at any time, and if the company isn't happy with me, they can fire me (although I've yet to experience that). I really don't know what to say other than that, except it sounds like that person may have been drunk or high or something. Whatever!


chronoswing t1_j9w9vta wrote

That person just can't fathom that anyone would have a positive experience working for a large corporation and if you did then you must be a shill. Just ignore idiots like that.


seakc87 t1_j9snf60 wrote

It was an anecdotal experience. Chill. I was a driver for over a year. I'm planning on going back for this summer because it's decent money and I had a good experience with the people I worked with/worked for (e.g. not Amazon).


aww-ModTeam t1_j9tvahw wrote

Hi LNikon720! Thanks for posting to /r/aww. Unfortunately, your comment has been removed for the following reason(s):

Rule #4: Please don't post slurs or harassing comments. This includes racial slurs, sexually inappropriate comments, and personal attacks on users or their animals.

  • Examples include: pitbull "statistics", reduction of animals to food items (e.g. calling a cow a burger/steak, calling a pig a bacon, anything about Asian people eating cats/dogs), advocating animal abuse, etc.

While we welcome reasoned and respectful conversation about animal related issues, this is not primarily a debate sub. Slapfights or comments that become abusive may be deleted and/or result in a ban.

If you have questions about this, please contact our mods via moderator mail rather than replying here. Thank you!


veeringwhim t1_j9r3e9a wrote

I hope your last delivery was a pair of nail clippers.


bobzwik t1_j9rzr8n wrote

Yeah, those claws must be uncomfortable to walk on


Snaz5 t1_j9sdlmm wrote

I never understood how dogs nails can even get that long… i never trimmed my dogs nails, but with daily walks they were kept well within reasonable length. Like i feel like you’d have to barely walk your dog for them to get that long


HandsyBread t1_j9shk4b wrote

My dog walks a few miles a day and his nails are about this long. He uses his nails to grab his toys, and they don’t bother him one bit, they don’t scrape on the floor or tap the floor as he walks so there is no reason for me to trim them.

The only nail I have to deal with is his dewclaw, somehow he sharpens it to make a razor blade every week so I do have to sand that down.


pinewind108 t1_j9ssjwe wrote

I've seen it happen when the dog is in too much pain to go for long walks, or has lost their sight.


Alazypanda t1_j9v1y39 wrote

I've got 2 dogs, both pretty large 70 and 85lbs respectively. They both do about the same amount of activity. The 85lb one is a bit younger so definitely does a little more, but probably not enough to really make a difference.

His nails however need to be trimmed manually, they do not get ground down from just walking/running nor the general lunacy that is being a husky mix.

However the other pup, thats a some type of pit-lab mix, I've not once had to trim her nails in the 9 years I've had her.

I'm not 100% sure why, but I can tell you my husky mix's nails are alot thicker than my pit even when considering proportionally to the size of the dog.


grumpygruden t1_j9qc85e wrote

I hope you're on to bigger better things, and this picture is amazing. That's a good pup.


PitBullFan t1_j9rrzzd wrote

About half of the businesses I visit every day have a dog that "works" there. I carry a bag of treats with me everywhere. I've made friends with all of them, and seeing all these guys is the best part of my day.


Novakane_07 t1_j9qfwhg wrote

Heart warming. Thanks for sharing!


goboxey t1_j9qmppv wrote

What a lovely companion ❤️


The_Hot_Stepper t1_j9qoyd9 wrote

Pupper is wishing you all the best. “You got this dawg… get it I called your dawg like dog hee hee hee”


klumpadumpee t1_j9sbyuq wrote

What an angel ❤️ happy future, OP!


fattypigfatty t1_j9qqppx wrote

Is the job as bad as some people say it is? Are you guys on a ridiculously tight schedule that's calculated down to like seconds with each delivery with barely any breaks in between?

Figured I might as well ask someone who's done with it so I could get an honest answer.


Tegovernment t1_j9r89zg wrote

I currently deliver for Amazon. It's not as bad as you think it is. Although some of that may be the DSP (Delivery Service Provider) that I work for being better than most. As long as you get your shit done, it's all good. I will say I generally don't take more than 15 minutes of break a day, usually just to use the restroom if I happen to find a gas station (I'm in rural Florida so that's never a given). But I don't need much more. I eat while I drive and bring a cooler with extra water and my food and snacks for the day.

It's honestly a really solid job to do. Pay isn't bad. The hours can be long and it's never really dull. There's no real sitting around twiddling your thumbs. Also, free arms and legs workout. The (mostly) friendly animals are a nice bonus as well.

Edit: To add on to the "not as bad" for the timeline, I'm never hard rushing and I'm always ahead of schedule. So it's not that tight as long as you're being at least somewhat efficient at each stop and not wasting too much time.


supagirl277 t1_j9sogh1 wrote

So you’re saying that you can’t efficiently do your job unless you eat while on the job and only take one fifteen minute break all day? You just described an unrealistic standard. Just because it’s no big deal to you to do it doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong. You need to have two 15 minute breaks and a dedicated lunch for just working 8 hours.


r1char00 t1_j9ur6yn wrote

Definitely. Not even legal in my state anyway.


Tegovernment t1_j9wdn4j wrote

I'm not saying I have to, it's what I choose to do. Like I said I'm always ahead of schedule by a good bit (at least an hour) so it's just a personal choice at that point. I don't need the breaks most of the time, and when I do I have no issues taking my breaks as needed.


seakc87 t1_j9su8tx wrote

I did it for over a year in Wisconsin (both city and rural). Amazon purposefully overpacks the trucks because they don't directly employ the drivers. That means that the DSPs are set up to fail. That way, Amazon can keep their costs low when it comes time to renew contacts. With that being said, I still took, at least, my 30 min lunch break. Amazon be damned.


dunkarooooo t1_j9rxju7 wrote

It really depends. Amazon employs contractors who hire drivers as employees. Each contractor has some autonomy on how they treat their employees. The one I worked for was pretty good overall. 4 days a week 10-12 hour days with option to pick up additional shifts as overtime. $20 per hour plus good health insurance.

They are required to micromanage safety and do monitor your driving to an extent. I had no problem working 10+ hours at a steady pace but you will be very sore your first few weeks. I quit because I nearly slide off a road during a snow storm multiple times. I think I was driving a rear wheel drive rental van lmao. At the end of the day you are just a number to these contractors and it is even worse at the warehouses. But if you are stubborn and keep your head down and aren't afraid of hard work you won't be overwhelmed by the job. What you described doesn't exist though btw Noone would do it.


TehBrawlGuy t1_j9sc7fx wrote

Plenty of people would do it. If you have a kid or two and can't survive on min wage, a good parent will do what keeps a roof over their kid's head even if it's miserable. Not endorsing the way they get treated, of course, but people will absolutely endure mistreatment if they desperately need money.


dunkarooooo t1_j9sdyti wrote

What i meant is the whole seconds between stops being monitored is a myth. Noone would do it if you were monitored that intensely. It's a huge exaggeration what people claim regardless of if it does, in fact, still suck.


zfreakazoidz t1_j9s23kf wrote

So... did you stop driving because the job sucks? My wife works at the warehouses and sometimes in HR. She said the turnover rate for drivers was very high due to Amazons beyond ludicrous requirements every day for how much you have to deliver ina certain period of time.


trucksandrecords t1_j9u76t1 wrote

This is true. When I worked for a delivery service delivering Amazon, we had to be there at 6 and be on the road by 7. I had to start delivering that early, even though I wasn't allowed to ring the doorbell or call anyone for access until 8 AM. I often had to spend more time going back to redeliver later in the day because of their stupidity. I had a lady call the police on me and start filming me when I went on her porch even though I had a vest on that said Amazon. Everyone had to stop for lunch at the same time everyday. If you finished early you had to go rescue packages from another driver. To make it worse, they wouldn't keep you on the same route everyday, which meant you might have to learn one or more new sets of apartment complex buildings on any given day, etc. I was lucky because I had years of delivery experience as a courier and truck driver. It was also the best job I ever had because I got 30K steps nearly every day and lost 60 pounds. Sadly, the pay tops out at like $15-20 an hour. I went back to truck driving and make far more now.


zfreakazoidz t1_j9uurol wrote

Man that sucks. Also didn't realize how much the pay sucked. Not worth it for being a driver at Amazon. Working at Amazon is probably kinda close to what its like working at a sweatshop in China.

Glad to hear you are making more back as a regular truck driver. Our friend LOVES truck driving. Does cross country trips endlessly. Makes me wonder, Amazon pay for your gas at all? Wouldn't be surprised if they found a way to cheap out on it.


trucksandrecords t1_j9vws5i wrote

Just to clarify: I was not an Amazon employee. They were smart about that when they set it up. They farm the routes to third party delivery companies. Then they can ride the delivery companies, as others have said in other comments, for poor performance.

I was only over the road as a truck driver for one year when I was younger. I enjoyed it then, but I just do local deliveries now. I go home every night and I'm paid hourly. It's a much better situation for me.

Lastly, Amazon does not pay for gas or car repairs, whether you are a delivery company or an individual using your personal vehicle. You are also a contractor.


InvincibleDandruff t1_j9se222 wrote

What do you mean "bye"? You better come back once a month.


stenhx t1_j9rrqqd wrote

Ahhh that's sweet.


nicolevil1 t1_j9rw6a2 wrote

Thank you for your service! How nice to get a friendly puppy encounter on your last day.


FirebirdWriter t1_j9soada wrote

You sure? Looks more like pffbbbbt.

Joking aside I hope your next job Values you as a human being


[deleted] t1_j9taqf2 wrote

Now you can start using the bathroom.


DarthReece07 t1_j9tesbp wrote

bro my package never gettin delivered 💀


derek_g_S t1_j9toc0b wrote

man. dogs sure are awesome.


epoof t1_j9tq7id wrote



justacuriousbystande t1_j9tx8gi wrote

Somewhere, an eagle is missing their talons. People need to learn to trim their dogs nails, and train them not to jump on people's car doors. Nothing pisses me off like a dog raking their fucking long nails across my trucks paint job when I pull into the driveway.


r1char00 t1_j9urac5 wrote

Such a cute pup :)


starr_das_hund t1_j9s4d0o wrote

Hey uh, idk if you entirely care but the nails on that doggo are waaaaay to long and can hurt em if gone unnoticed.