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veggeroni t1_jaazdue wrote

Awwww! I hope they get adopted together!


zaidsolrac t1_jab4var wrote

Those are the faces of foster fail


GoodDogsMatter t1_jab545r wrote

If I didn't already have 4 rescue dogs, I would adopt them! 😍


apocalyssa t1_jab8dn6 wrote

Awww! are their names foster and fail?? :)


2D617 t1_jabc81r wrote

So sweet!


Fenix_Volatilis t1_jabcd9u wrote

Yes, officer these two right here. They're the thieves. (of my god damn heart)


Trisamitops t1_jabfdoo wrote

Aww! I swear I looked at this picture and I could smell puppies.


mymoochi t1_jabfdzs wrote

I can't resist myself to pet them


soanxiouss t1_jabgw69 wrote

they’re soo cute πŸ₯°


govhholp2 t1_jabitbw wrote

Omg! I loves these poopies!😍


sgttedsworth t1_jabohq0 wrote

Lookit those little dudes all smushed together!


Zinthaniel t1_jabs2r8 wrote

Pit Bulls have the perfect snouts for kissing, like top tier above all other dogs - In my personal opinion.


dallashf t1_jabu4j0 wrote

Oh com'om man, he have mentioned in that the two foster ones, if they are foster they are different from the whole. Am I getting it right or just mixing up the name with a word.


BoredByLife t1_jabvte7 wrote

Thought they were conjoined twins and got concerned about their wellbeing.


evilocto t1_jabz3lk wrote

They're absolutely adorable

Edit: I see that Karen brigade arrived get a life you lot.


newaccount721 t1_jac01oe wrote

They are asking very sweetly though!

This is the most bizarre downvotes I've ever received. I just said the puppies were asking for food nicely. Calm down.


graduate-1998 t1_jac3ods wrote

It looks like they are connected to each other


Jumpin-Jebus t1_jac6qqq wrote

They would not be 'foster' for long if I saw them...


matttech88 t1_jac7glf wrote

One lil face short of a Cerberus pup


f700es t1_jacesjp wrote

OMG! I'd give them anything they wanted!


AlamutJones t1_jacgpb7 wrote

Feed those boys literally anything they want


mariboo_xoxo t1_jachnjm wrote

Awe…aren’t they the cutest lil’ puppies.


LadyDeath1138 t1_jacibvi wrote

Here before the rage baiters completely take over. These puppies are so damn cute! I want them so bad!


SPARKYLOBO t1_jacjdwr wrote

Are they r/velvethippos? And may I have them?


reneeb64 t1_jacpj5a wrote

They would so make me a foster fail. πŸ’œ


Thundersson1978 t1_jacpta5 wrote

So gorgeous with the blue eyes. Puppies are the best


AwkwardnessForever t1_jacqg7g wrote

Thank you for fostering. It’s so hard to let them go but so rewarding when you are able to place them in a great home and watch them grow rather than imagine the lives they could have had without rescue!!


OMGOODNESSWTF t1_jacs28z wrote

Cuteness overload. My β€πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’˜β€πŸ’™ is exploding.


FlyingFlyboy t1_jacsggy wrote

One head short of cerebrus. Oh wait there's Orthros


Knysiok t1_jact3ms wrote

They look like one organism


WalrusByte t1_jacwqjn wrote

I think foster just means that they're rescues. I mostly hear it used for humans. A foster child is a child who has to be under the care of someone other than their parents, usually because their biological parents were abusive or otherwise irresponsible. So I'm guessing it means a similar thing with dogs.

They did mention that they're two of them, but often when there are two-headed animals it's a result of twins combining together in the womb. So they are technically individuals that are just fused together.


abaye23 t1_jad1wd5 wrote

They are damn cute man, is it the labra breed, I always wanna pet some but my parents won't allow me.


Versal-Hyphae t1_jad21r5 wrote

Fostering with animals means that the animal is up for adoption, but instead of staying at a shelter they spend their time living with a foster family in their home. The family is only taking care of them until they get adopted, so they won’t stay forever (unless it’s a β€œfoster fail” where the foster family decides to adopt the animal themselves), but it helps the animal get used to living with people in a home. It’s useful for puppies and kittens to learn how to be good house pets at a young age, for elderly animals that need special care there isn’t time or staff for at the shelter, for traumatized animals that need a quieter and calmer place to recover from whatever difficulties they faced before being adoptable, etc.


Kinenai t1_jad867z wrote

Cerberus is so excited he lost one of his wee heads.


Anxious-derkbrandan t1_jad92za wrote

They are cute but I’d be super careful with sending them to the same home. Littermate syndrome is a real thing and can mess up a dog big time.


shyguy__22 t1_jadi6qs wrote

Dats some kodak camera reel moment from 90's.. ! Super cute.. !


Careless_Hellscape t1_jaditcr wrote

Dude, I was just about to keep a 4th. For some reason, I do so bad with separation in winter (which is when I fostered all three dogs in reference, but different years). This most recent puppy was confiscated from some horrible people. She was bones when we took her in and I got so attached. Luckily my sister-in-law adopted her so I still get to see her. Otherwise I'd have not been able to give her up.


karmaisourfriend t1_jadizlb wrote

I don't understand... What are they doing on the floor of all places instead of snuggled in your arms? Who could go a minute without giving them kisses ?:-) img


2guys4dogs t1_jadjfs2 wrote



[deleted] t1_jadjh1p wrote

Imagine being so butthurt that you downvote every positive or neutral comment on a post of cute puppies. Pitbull haters need to touch some grass. I agree, they’re precious and I want them.


LadyDeath1138 t1_jadl903 wrote

Well, the number of downvotes on my comment says it won't, but they can seethe for however long they please. It doesn't change anything.

These innocent puppies are too precious to turn away from.


LadyDeath1138 t1_jadmr8a wrote

I was bitten by a small dog, too. It tried to pull me off my bike, along with two other small dogs. I meannI rode away just fine, but it's ridiculous. It's been so long I no longer remember the breed, but the point, of course, was that aggression is not exclusive to pibbles.


[deleted] t1_jadnv1q wrote

Yeah. To my knowledge innate HA is not present in any modern, well-bred dog breed, except maybe Filas. Unfortunately a lot of pit bulls and small dogs like chihuahuas are carelessly bred and owned. Well-bred, well trained dogs seldom cause problems.


diarvom t1_jadpg7y wrote

Are they hugging? So cute


wtf36963 t1_jaefefp wrote

Lord save can any creatures be that cute?!?gif


garry4321 t1_jaemhzx wrote

"OOOOH dry bits of old rejected meat mixed with ash and wheat.... GIVE THAT TO MEEEEEE"
