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metastasized t1_j8py3t1 wrote

What do you feed him? Asking for a friend


robnelle OP t1_j8pznco wrote

Well, he's a kidney kitty (roughly stage 3 ckd at this point) so for the last several years, he has been on Royal Canin Renal support food. A year ago, he went on a phosphorous binder. I used to give him only kibble, but now I mix with wet food. I also bought him a petkit water fountain to encourage him to drink more water. That has been working well! He also gets subq fluids and blood pressure meds daily...well most days.


HarleyHix t1_j8rtesn wrote

Since he's a kidney kitty, has he been checked for high blood pressure? He has very dilated pupils which are a symptom, and at stage three high BP is certainly possible. It's easily managed.

He's beautiful and I hope you have him for a long time yet!


robnelle OP t1_j8s0l3s wrote

Yes! He's on BP meds. His vet put him on Amlodipine. He's been on it about two years now. At his last checkup she upped his dosage. He takes it without too much trouble. I just let the little pill pieces dissolve in a tiny bit of water and add to his wet food. He goes for checkups a couple times a year.Thank you!


HarleyHix t1_j8s4s53 wrote

Perfect! You're taking such great care of him!