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Happy_BlackCrow t1_jea2wr1 wrote

Have you tried an automatic feeder that will dispense food every 6 hours? Set it for 230am and get some rest!


[deleted] t1_je9bcah wrote



AF9005 t1_je9ij6b wrote

cute car isn't it? (but srsly tho it's adorable)


jordantask t1_je9rdpk wrote

She’s already planning for the next time, tomorrow morning.


CypripediumGuttatum t1_jeakyrw wrote

I second the automatic cat feeders. I have four cats that would gladly wake me up at all hours of the night begging for food. We have three feeders and they all stare those things down before the scheduled time they open up, much better than jumping on me at 3am. The fourth cat refuses to eat without me by her side, haven’t figured out that one yet.


masstransience t1_jeb490a wrote

Every morning at 5am and especially when I’m hungover.


hamnotspam2 t1_jebohbf wrote

Is that one eye or a wink going on?


UnadvertisedAndroid t1_je9iyad wrote

My cats never woke me up for food because they always had food available. Cats will regulate their own feeding, you don't need to put them on a schedule.

Also place their food and water sources apart from each other, cats don't like to drink where they eat.


Happy_BlackCrow t1_jea30o7 wrote

It’s never a good idea to free feed. Watch Jackson Galaxy videos as to why.


UnadvertisedAndroid t1_jebirhh wrote

I don't need to watch videos about cat ownership, I've had many over many years and they have all been excellent at self regulation because I never gave them a reason to think they couldn't be sure of their next meal. When you put them on a schedule, they learn that food is scarce and they need to take every opportunity to eat when it comes. Don't do that to them and they'll take care of themselves.


Happy_BlackCrow t1_jebkrgn wrote

Just because you’ve had cats, doesn’t mean YOU’RE an expert. Best to leave that to actual experts like Jackson Galaxy and stop giving people advice that isn’t good.


two40zieks7 t1_je9jled wrote

I had a cat who absolutely couldn't stop himself from eating. We had to put timers for him to eat. When there was no timer he'd eat so much and so fast it would make him vomit all he ate.

I think what you say applies to most cats, but there are exceptions too


whore_island_ocelots t1_jea7cim wrote

This is not true. My cat overeats and needs to be carefully fed at set times. Most vets also don't recommend this as well because you can end up with an overweight kitty with diabetes.


TouristNo4039 t1_jeae0r8 wrote

Bullshit some cats eat everything they see without limit. That's how you end up with chokers.


UnadvertisedAndroid t1_jebi3zb wrote

I've had many cats, not one of them turned into a choker, all of them had 24/7 access to food. If you don't teach them to feel like food is limited, they treat it like it's unlimited (meaning they don't eat everything in sight because they don't know when their next meal may come).


TouristNo4039 t1_jefz01r wrote

Explain cats that grow up in the same household with different appetites?


UnadvertisedAndroid t1_jeg7gov wrote

Explain exceptions. Not everything is perfectly black or white and an exception is a weak man's attempt at a 'gotcha'.


paulstelian97 t1_jealw66 wrote

Only cats who learn how to regulate their own feeding from when they're little. If not given a chance to learn and you suddenly do it when it's 5 years old it might still work but be an issue, if it's 10 or 15 it won't work out well.


UnadvertisedAndroid t1_jebhtj7 wrote

Then don't teach them to need your schedule. Ffs cats are easy to take care of as long as you put down food and water and keep their litter box clean. Some people just need to make things more difficult for themselves to feel needed I guess; if that's what you want get a dog.