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PensWritesActivist t1_itwhkrl wrote

These are pictures of how I felt about kids before and after becoming a public librarian.


the_procrastinata t1_itx9q7c wrote

So many kids that come to a library really really really need that safe space.


PensWritesActivist t1_itxn2v6 wrote

I was pretty sheltered growing up, so once I was allowed to walk to the library as a teen, it made me feel so empowered. I try to give my young patrons the space they need (they are extremely self-sufficient library users) and nothing breaks my heart more than the children who come in accompanied by overbearing parents.


True-Back-1994 t1_ity6ezu wrote

Also it’s a place for children whose parents are not there for them at all. That is even more heartbreaking.


PensWritesActivist t1_iu0cyd4 wrote

My library really only gets unaccompanied elementary aged kids during the summer, but they are a challenge. I've had to explain to some white boys why "The KKK" doesnt mean "kool kids klub." I'm sure they knew that, and at least there's kids nonfiction about racism. I don't imagine their parents had ever addressed that.


TheFluffiestRedditor t1_itxtm95 wrote

My high school library was the only safe place for me there. Thank you for providing us with a refuge.


Srobo19 t1_itz0qer wrote

My town's library was for me too - I knew my bullies wouldn't show up there.


UntetheredMeow t1_itxfee2 wrote

What a coincidence!!

I'm watching a webinar by an entrepreneur/author Trevor Blake who hid in a public library in Wales to escape from the bullies in his teenage years and discovered books that led him to his extraordinary success.


PensWritesActivist t1_itxng7c wrote

I love this. My goal is to make people feel like they're in the community living room: safe, comfy, entertained, enriched. <3


ughwhatisthisshit t1_ity6irc wrote

i used to live in public libraries when i was young cuz i had no friends and my home life was bad.

Much love to all public librarians, i can honestly say i wouldnt be here today without them. Sometimes i feel like going back and thanking them but they definitely wouldnt remember me so it might be awkward.


PensWritesActivist t1_iu0dgn8 wrote

With all the negative we have to deal with, those stories of how people have been helped really matter to us. If you're more comfortable writing a comment card, those matter too! At my library the comment cards get forwarded to all the branch workers and administration.


mrCrabish t1_ityw9ek wrote

For some people it's the other way around considering they way many kids behave...


pmthosetitties t1_ity0qg8 wrote

Is it as sexy a job as I've been led to believe?
