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PensWritesActivist t1_itwhkrl wrote

These are pictures of how I felt about kids before and after becoming a public librarian.


the_procrastinata t1_itx9q7c wrote

So many kids that come to a library really really really need that safe space.


PensWritesActivist t1_itxn2v6 wrote

I was pretty sheltered growing up, so once I was allowed to walk to the library as a teen, it made me feel so empowered. I try to give my young patrons the space they need (they are extremely self-sufficient library users) and nothing breaks my heart more than the children who come in accompanied by overbearing parents.


True-Back-1994 t1_ity6ezu wrote

Also it’s a place for children whose parents are not there for them at all. That is even more heartbreaking.


PensWritesActivist t1_iu0cyd4 wrote

My library really only gets unaccompanied elementary aged kids during the summer, but they are a challenge. I've had to explain to some white boys why "The KKK" doesnt mean "kool kids klub." I'm sure they knew that, and at least there's kids nonfiction about racism. I don't imagine their parents had ever addressed that.


TheFluffiestRedditor t1_itxtm95 wrote

My high school library was the only safe place for me there. Thank you for providing us with a refuge.


Srobo19 t1_itz0qer wrote

My town's library was for me too - I knew my bullies wouldn't show up there.


UntetheredMeow t1_itxfee2 wrote

What a coincidence!!

I'm watching a webinar by an entrepreneur/author Trevor Blake who hid in a public library in Wales to escape from the bullies in his teenage years and discovered books that led him to his extraordinary success.


PensWritesActivist t1_itxng7c wrote

I love this. My goal is to make people feel like they're in the community living room: safe, comfy, entertained, enriched. <3


ughwhatisthisshit t1_ity6irc wrote

i used to live in public libraries when i was young cuz i had no friends and my home life was bad.

Much love to all public librarians, i can honestly say i wouldnt be here today without them. Sometimes i feel like going back and thanking them but they definitely wouldnt remember me so it might be awkward.


PensWritesActivist t1_iu0dgn8 wrote

With all the negative we have to deal with, those stories of how people have been helped really matter to us. If you're more comfortable writing a comment card, those matter too! At my library the comment cards get forwarded to all the branch workers and administration.


mrCrabish t1_ityw9ek wrote

For some people it's the other way around considering they way many kids behave...


pmthosetitties t1_ity0qg8 wrote

Is it as sexy a job as I've been led to believe?


highmodulus t1_itwqg7t wrote

1- "what! No- I was planning on going to Grad School!"

2- "This is my life meow".


Mischka2015 t1_itwfuft wrote

Oh my heart - this is the sweetest picture! The look on her face is just precious!! 😢🥰🥰


kawaiialice t1_ity1f3s wrote

I used to feed this fixed stray cat for 2 years. Found a kitten and let her smell it and she instantly wanted to be a mom even though she didn't produce any milk


thefifeman t1_itzi4b1 wrote

Had a ~2yo male cat, who we suspected spent most of that time on the street, then went out and adopted a ~3 week old kitten. Our old man actually grew mammaries and started breast feeding the little guy for a while. Was the strangest thing, but the vet said that happens sometimes, and that our old man probably sired a few kittens himself before being caught and neutered.


ZomboFc t1_itxebcc wrote

/u/Hypattie is a reposter and my reaction to this is adding them to the block list:

I have a Blocklist of over 900 reposter some day I will post it


W0666007 t1_itxmbqa wrote

Okay but I hadn’t seen it before so it was nice for me


shuknjive t1_ityyno6 wrote

I don't know if you've noticed but Reddit is chock full of reposts. Especially since Reddit went public.


OsamaBinFuckin t1_ityxy4n wrote

If we block the reposters....what if the only people left are me and you?


Badass_Bunny t1_itz1omg wrote

Imagine thinking you're fighting some good fight over this lmao


StarMindedCatGirl t1_itwvbcu wrote

Cats unable to give birth being "given" a kitten to be a parent to will never not make me bawl my eyes out 😭


twohedwlf t1_ityb0u5 wrote

And then there's my cat, first time he met kittens he hissed and smacked them.

They did learn if all 3 of them ganged up and hissed back he'd run away.


UntetheredMeow t1_itxfk8p wrote

Pure love!!

Her expression in the second photo is causing a fallout of my heart!


rcruzr t1_itxbc2a wrote

Reposted for the 1,000th time 🙄


Genderqueerpan t1_itxg3wg wrote

Frankly people don’t really care here.


BronchialChunk t1_itxr5gr wrote

yeah, not really the sub for the reddit purity dick measuring contest that some users like to engage in.


Jaxsom12 t1_itzqbxh wrote

We get it, you have no life and on here all the time. Some of us would like to see this for the first time.


UncleNorman t1_itzsywa wrote

If you know this has been reposted 1000 times, you need to go outside more.


FreedomPaws t1_ityto27 wrote

You ppl are so annoying. Not everyone on this planet sees the exact same posts as you do.

It's a first for many.

Anyone who types what you did on any post act like new fresh sets of eyes can't get to see this stuff.

You and all ur peeps with those comments need to get a hobby if it upsets u THAT much that it makes u post . Normal people if they see a repost they scroll and move on.

Big L. Touch grass.


bigttrack t1_ity13ae wrote

Rosie.. what a sweet sweet kitty..


bonega t1_ityjl0c wrote

That is not how cats show affection for their young.
It is staged


redheadedandbold t1_itya06n wrote

My heart can’t stand it! It’s both breaking and filled with joy. Give Rosie a snuggle from me?


Ok-Drama-1474 t1_ityyhsd wrote

This is the billionth time I'm seeing the same pic.... Help me God gif


KatsRule99 t1_itxhs8j wrote

Nope, I'm not bawling 🤗


Neener216 t1_ity3bqm wrote

More proof that an intact reproductive system isn't what makes you a mom 💖


rucb_alum t1_itxhe3a wrote

Certainly the little one will be a better cat for this!


PriorMess681 t1_ity9yg5 wrote

So you have a new kitten, cause you can’t take that away.


legolili t1_itzh9ot wrote

Why on earth would you believe a clickbait title slapped on a grainy JPEG and posted by a bot?


PEKU1954 t1_ity55g3 wrote

It doesn’t get much sweeter than this ❤️


lotusflower64 t1_itydygq wrote

Sweet. Maternal instinct is still present in her.


legolili t1_itzhaiz wrote

Why on earth would you believe a clickbait title slapped on a grainy JPEG posted by a bot?


AdultinginCali t1_ityhg43 wrote

My heart is melting.


legolili t1_itzhchp wrote

Why on earth would you believe a clickbait title slapped on a grainy JPEG posted by a bot?


frikimanHD t1_itypd09 wrote

it goes from "Did you seriously make this?!" to "i will protect you with my life"


Different-Leather359 t1_ityq8n0 wrote

My sweet Artemis has always been a good mommy to the kittens we rescue even though she never had a litter herself.


FreedomPaws t1_itythji wrote

Awwwwwww so sweet 🤗🤗❤️


samdabig t1_itz9dyh wrote

My heart is malting


_Nekona_ t1_itzdfg7 wrote

They're both adorable gifgif


No_Working8903 t1_itzfcv6 wrote

That is just the sweetest 💕


legolili t1_itzhekx wrote

Why on earth would you believe a clickbait title slapped on a grainy JPEG posted by a bot?


vingtsun_guy t1_itzqlgm wrote

Rosie was waiting for her baby. This is her baby.


AccousticMotorboat t1_iu07az3 wrote

My aunt had a fixed male cat whose mission in life was to mother all the kittens!


Sad-Heart-7400 t1_iu0w7up wrote

Aw its acting like a human, and we like that!!! Animals seeming human


Key_Interview3226 t1_iu0yv9p wrote

Great up a book and you open up a whole different world😊


Stormy_Too t1_iu15af7 wrote

That's so cute, it made my heart smile. I hope she gets to keep "her baby".


tbluhp t1_ityxm30 wrote

that’s so cute how the mama is holding the kitten.


[deleted] t1_itwfrl8 wrote



Dirt_E_Harry t1_itwhhm5 wrote

Not as cringe as the need for you to comment on it. Chill out a bit.


Notorious_Rug t1_itwl8fi wrote

Another word for spay (or neuter is) sterilization.

Sterile -

not able to produce children or young.

So, OP isn't wrong for calling her cat sterile.


BiNumber3 t1_itwnatg wrote

Sterile isn't a term expressly saved for humans....


MSGRiley t1_itwj37e wrote

Do you have a quick sec to glance over the rules of the sub?