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thefractalcosmos t1_ixxe79k wrote

Are the q-tips from their ears or yours? 🤔


petersgi t1_ixxangp wrote

They are all so adorable 🥰


babyBear83 t1_ixxdr38 wrote

Can I ask, do they like their shirts? Typically speaking cats go all derpy when you put anything around their belly’s and under their arms…or at least my cat does lol. I would expect a hairless cat has more room for things under their arms and might appreciate the warmth. I’m guessing they get really cold easy? They do look great in sweaters…


Canadian_Trucker OP t1_ixxdwz2 wrote

Yeah exactly they get cold easy. They like them because they're always trying to stay warm!


babyBear83 t1_ixxefbi wrote

If I had hairless cats, I might have to take up knitting to make them sweaters. I could see myself getting really obsessed with that.


Canadian_Trucker OP t1_ixxejbb wrote

You sound just like my s/o. She made the little ones sweaters already and they're not even our cats 😅😂 so cute! Nothing wrong with that


babyBear83 t1_ixxj6c6 wrote

It’s way too good of an excuse to knit tiny sweaters.


PsychoticMessiah t1_ixxeqy6 wrote

That cat in the back is plotting your demise OP. Sleep lightly.


Gothicpotato6 t1_ixyi5rr wrote

So cute. I love hairless goblins. My favourite breed of potato 🥔💕


Constant_Cultural t1_ixym6pt wrote

Why would someone buy this naked mole rats you have to put in clothes in winter?


Canadian_Trucker OP t1_ixym8ez wrote

I'm not sure. Your parents might have some answers for you.

They can relate.


Constant_Cultural t1_ixymam7 wrote

Ran right into that one. Kudos to you.


Canadian_Trucker OP t1_ixymfjt wrote

We're all naked rats at the end of the day lol!

Jokes aside, they're my friends cats and I didn't understand it either- until recently.

They're always looking to stay warm so they are the most cuddly animals ever. So if you like cuddles and don't need the fur- I get the appeal.