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LongtimeLurkerIsHere t1_ixquhht wrote

How on earth was such a handsome boy there for so long


ZogNowak OP t1_ixquwiu wrote

He was EXTREMELY shy.....wouldn't even look at you. Several people came to adopt him, but left him there because of shyness. Once we got him home, it took less than an hour (and a box of doggy biscuits before he was a happy boy, following us around.


fritz236 t1_ixqvu95 wrote

I would have bet money it was because of the noise. They aren't usually quiet dogs.


ZogNowak OP t1_ixqwvy6 wrote

He hates the sound of guns, fireworks, hammering, etc, and still runs away from that. I know you were referring to the barking, but the neighbors all around have dogs, so they don't mind. Gumbo only barks at squirrels, possums, coons, etc.....and also he's very protective at the front gate. The UPS drivers know to bring him treats, so he loves them now too.....but he's very protective and vocal with anyone he doesn't recognize.


Accomplished-Ruin742 t1_ixr09eg wrote

I got a puppy whose mother was a hunting dog, a Brittany, but the puppy was gun shy so she would have been culled. She was the best dog ever. I bet Gumbo was sent to the shelter because he was useless for hunting. And now he has the best life ever!!


ZogNowak OP t1_ixr0fz4 wrote

That's exactly why he ended up in the shelter.


britainknee t1_ixr4hoj wrote

Aw! We got a walker hound/ Bassett mix a year and a half ago. He is taller like a walker hound but his ears are so much bigger 😂 he loves playing in the field with "his donkeys" (they're my mother in law's, but Waylon loves them) we try to familiarize him with guns/noises, but so far they do seem to just make him anxious. The mother (walker hound) does go coon hunting with other dogs the people we got ours from, so we think we could train him if we really wanted - but for now he's just trained in the basics for treats ☺️


Sprinkle_Puff t1_ixs3hf3 wrote

I have a redbone coon hound mix and she hates all those sounds too. Any “pop”, “bang”, “slam”, etc. It’s nice to hear this isn’t too abnormal. Congratulations on you’re handsome boy. He is going to have the best life


jectosnows t1_ixuxjbs wrote

If you live in a subdivision and you let your dog mindless bark for hours on end please understand that isn't ok


ZogNowak OP t1_ixuzdgf wrote

Of course it's not ok! We make every effort to keep them quiet MOST of the time, but we all need a little release now and then. :) Thanks for the tip (hint), and we all can agree with it.


Throat_Such t1_ixrk887 wrote

Kudos to you for seeing past his shyness! People don't realize that when dogs are surrendered, they're nursing a broken heart! Or when they've been left somewhere strange and have to fend for themselves for the first time. They are terrified. Then they get thrown in a cage with many barking animals around them. The dog's personality cannot possibly come out until he is removed from that environment and given the proper care and lots of love! I wish you both much happiness together!


ZogNowak OP t1_ixrklbi wrote

Yep.....Almost every other cage had a pit bull in it, and they NEVER shut up!!!


Jhackall t1_ixqs21v wrote

Fine looking dog man. Good on your for saving Gumbo.


Abject-Feedback5991 t1_ixqu9w1 wrote

Coonhounds are the BEST dogs. You’re going to be so happy. Come join us on r/coonhounds if you haven’t already!


ktgrok t1_ixrj3rj wrote

lol, we joke that our coonhound mix (also has bloodhound and a bit of newfoundland of all things) is a GREAT hound, but a terrible dog. He's not really terrible, but NOT an easy breed. Or maybe it was that he had a lot of baggage when we got him? He was bred in GA somewhere, given to an elderly man in North Georga, who then took him to a shelter. A rescue group in Florida took him in, he was in two foster homes, then adopted, then returned, back to another foster, and then to us. All by 12 weeks of age. He was "reverse crate trained" in that he'd walk across the room to go into his crate to pee - I'm guessing because he'd been kept in a crate 8 hours plus a day by the people that adopted him, so he learned to pee in there. Or from being in a cage at the shelter. He also HATED the crate - he gets car sick easily and was in a crate the whole ride from North Georgia to Central Florida so maybe associated it with being sick, plus then with being kept in it too long, etc. Hardest dog I ever had to train, and he just didn't pay much attention to humans for the longest time. Now he's a sweet heart, but of course will go out at night and bark at any creature he spots - if there are no creatures up in trees to bark at he will and does bark at birds flying overhead, planes, helicopters (will jump into the air as if he might catch it!) and a few times, the moon itself. Sigh.


Abject-Feedback5991 t1_ixrnvg8 wrote

Well, ok, they can be kind of a handful like most hounds, lol. But they’re NEVER boring, and such great companions and cuddlers.


WiseChoices t1_ixqsjsr wrote

He's wonderful! Thanks for giving him a brand new life.

Edit: Excellent name with a good theme song. Jambalaya now stuck in my head.


NotUnique_______ t1_ixrfxzo wrote

My little guy was returned twice. I know why, but he's my little baby. Good on you for rescuing this handsome boy!


ZogNowak OP t1_ixqsspy wrote

I'll be getting some better pictures up soon.


SoyySprout t1_ixr0bm2 wrote

Thankyou for saving him and as someone who lived in Acadiana extra points for the name Gumbo! Don’t be shocked if he goes through a naughty phase once he feels completely safe in your home. Resource guarding and other behavioral problems can often arise 1-2 months after adoption from pups who lived in a shelter setting for a while. It’s only natural, they spent a long time not receiving the love and care they needed so guarding things like toys, food, and even you from other dogs may occur. Have patience, the best is yet to come for you both!


Reveal_Simple t1_ixr0myz wrote

Can you imagine the difference for a dog like this with his amazing sense of smell to be in the world versus in a shelter?


unwittyusername42 t1_ixqvo40 wrote

Do they adopt lawnmowers? Seriously though what a cool pup and hope you all have a great life together.


jwhaler17 t1_ixqwbjb wrote

You mean goats?


ZogNowak OP t1_ixqxtaf wrote

I'd love a goat, but they wouldn't stop with just the grass.


kah88 t1_ixr9bp1 wrote

You might be joking but renting a group of goats to cut grass is becoming a thing. Apparently, they are one of the best ways to get rid of kudzu.


jwhaler17 t1_ixren80 wrote

Totally not joking. I’d use them but I have other things in my yard like my house and car that I don’t want eaten…


UnholyKilo t1_ixt6euc wrote

Then you need to rent sheep. They’ll mow the grass but leave the rest alone.


Jerrys_Wife t1_ixrk8tg wrote

As a shy person, bless you for taking a chance on another shy creature.


spartanmike68 t1_ixqy52d wrote

You are amazing for getting that wonderful boy out of the shelter. He will repay you 1000 times over in the years to come. Enjoy!


tizadu t1_ixrey3n wrote

Ahh, he’s landed in heaven!


SterlingSilver2954 t1_ixqx7k7 wrote

He's beautiful! I can't imagine him being in a shelter for two years! I wonder why?


ZogNowak OP t1_ixqxxck wrote

Shy....VERY shy. (he's pretty much over that now though.)


plasmicthoughts t1_ixrltj4 wrote

Lovely dog, great job giving him the life he deserves :) also Gumbo is a nice, shout-out-able, unusual name!


spiritualskywalker t1_ixrmyvq wrote

You found a coon hound in the animal shelter?! That’s like finding gold on the ground!


Cloverhonney t1_ixrzk6h wrote

Lovely. Never is too late. Thank you for giving him a forever home.


Shoehornblower t1_ixrfkhb wrote

Pretty locale. Where do you live?


ZogNowak OP t1_ixribti wrote

We're in coastal NC, in a neighborhood. I bought 3 lots and let the trees stay. It feels like we're in the mountains, even though the Atlantic Ocean is only 3 miles away.


Aggressive_Row_9880 t1_ixripjb wrote

Welcome to the world of hounds. They’re the best breed of dog imo. Very sweet and smart, but not always hyper like some other breeds.


ActualAd8091 t1_ixrn69p wrote

Big hugs and snoot boops for gumbo!


Wilgrove t1_ixrro47 wrote

Awww, I love coon hounds! I hope Gumbo's days are filled with lots of love & baying at woodland critters!


ZogNowak OP t1_ixsc8bw wrote

LOL Thanks, I think! :)


Wilgrove t1_ixscs98 wrote

I take care of a Coon Hound at my kennel whose name is Maddie. She is an absolute delight and I love hearing her howling and baying.


Basdad t1_ixsdw2n wrote

I’m very partial to hounds. -lease give him a great big hug from me, and congratulations on your excellent taste.


Key_Interview3226 t1_ixshz8c wrote

Thank you for adopting your new prettyboi🐕 Best wishes😊🙏


ginawynnsky t1_ixra46h wrote

Adopting a dog is the way to go. Happy Trails to you and Gumbo.


Rimfax t1_ixs1ss8 wrote

Beautiful camellias, too.


ZogNowak OP t1_ixsbmfz wrote

Thanks. There's a bunch of em scattered in the yard.


moldyshrimp t1_ixsiq7g wrote

Oh boy haha my coonhound recently passed but lemme tell ya. That dog will make you so happy and so mad. It will live with its nose in the trash can, if theirs anything it can eat it will. But they make really good dogs and they are all kinda derpy it’s awesome


hoehater1 t1_ixskpwv wrote

Beautiful dog 🐶


lotusflower64 t1_ixsriiv wrote

A beauty. Welcome home Gumbo. What a beautiful home you have to play in.


mrngdew77 t1_ixsrivz wrote

Congratulations! What a gorgeous boy. Thanks for adopting. Did you go to the shelter specifically for him?


JayneDoe6000 t1_ixsv4f4 wrote

Such a lovely yard to explore!


charliemike t1_ixszvi2 wrote

I don’t know why people get coonhounds and then just abandon them. We have a rescue/foster Treeing Walker and she is a really wonderful dog.


vikietheviking t1_ixurxy9 wrote

Hopefully, Gumbo has let you hear him baying? My dad owned coonhounds all my life and I loved to listen to them baying.

Gumbo is a handsome good boy.


TBNRFIREFOX t1_ixrnwxy wrote

TIL there is a dog with a dicey breed name
