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rokelle2012 t1_j1nj0lw wrote

The naysayers need to get educated. People have a very hard time with, "Don't like it? Keep scrolling." I understand some people may have traumas surrounding certain breeds but, don't be an asshole to others about it.


lefluffle t1_j1ssmml wrote

Have you yourself tried to get educated on the topic? Have you looked at resources from both sides? There's a reason that only one breed has a bad rep like this.


rokelle2012 t1_j1sxxen wrote

You are absolutely incorrect about "only one breed has a bad rep like this". It's been the Dobermans, the German Shepherds, the Mastiffs, the Rottweilers, and that's just to name a few. I am also quite educated on the topic and in all instances where one of these breeds has attacked someone it is because of the owner not training them properly.