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NinjasDailyDiary OP t1_j6hrqoi wrote

My names Cozmo the cat and I don’t have a job, but if I did it would be driving trucks 🚛 and my name would be Bob.

You would see me everyday on the M63 🛣️ delivering cat food and Dreamies to the country for free.

You would hear me coming from miles around with my big truck 🚛 rumbling and shaking the ground.

If you got in my way I would give you a toot 🔊but if you still don’t move I will give you the boot 🥾 !

Coz I’m Bob the truck driving cat, helping kitties across the nation stay happy and fat!


Ok_Understanding267 t1_j6hsbbe wrote

Cats are crazy but the owners are not that different really. I catch my cat a lot of times giving me that eye rolling smh look


jezett t1_j6i2d35 wrote

That's some mighty fine prose there Cozmo/Bob. img Keep on truckin' dude!


deadheadjinx t1_j6hy86t wrote

With his arm out the truck window 🤣