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Carbonman_ t1_j6gyf3b wrote

Those all-dark eyes make me think of the totally black contact lenses actors wear when they're character is portrayed as possessed by a demon on TV and in movies.


2SticksPureRage OP t1_j6h0bk6 wrote

Well your probably not far off. She turns into a demon after 8pm. Anything you say or do to her is met with grumpy face and growling. It’s like she’s 60 and I’ve disturbed her after her 6pm bedtime. She’s 8 btw.

Maybe I should try to take the contacts out? Haha. Kidding!


[deleted] t1_j6h0bwn wrote



2SticksPureRage OP t1_j6h12oi wrote

She just had a teeth cleaning about a month ago. This photo is from about a year ago. And all last summer I had her in and out of the vets for what was most likely a huge overreaction of every little thing on my part. Even took her to a specialist to spend $500 and find out there was absolutely nothing wrong with her.

She had been returned to the shelter three times before I got her for aggressive behavior. I’m finding out that her growling isn’t actually an menacing growl but how she plays more than anything. She just sounds super aggressive with it and I can understand why that would seem overbearing to some people. I think she’s learning how to play gentler with me. I’ve seen a tremendous change in her behavior in the 3 years I’ve had her. She was 5 when I got her so I have to imagine between three different owners they each didn’t have her too long to actually study and notice her behaviors all that much.

But she’s found her forever home and I try to do my best keeping her in tip top shape!



2SticksPureRage OP t1_j6h1vf9 wrote

She’s also super weird in the fact that she likes parties! Lol, the more people I have at my house the happier she is. Like you can see how excited and happy and loving she gets. I give her a special treat with chicken wrapped around a sweet potato stick. She’ll eat the chicken off it and then save the potato stick part for when company comes over. She’s so weird. 😆


dawgmama62 t1_j6h2fg4 wrote

LMAO!!! I have a 10 old puppy that I'm almost certain is the spawn of a Werewolf and some kind of miniature vampire goat!