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mantisswarm t1_j66c0pz wrote

So thirsty she got her whole head under 😳


Gameshrk90 t1_j66hddn wrote

I’m assuming since the mouth gap extends above the water it can still breathe like that? Otherwise that snake sure can hold its breath.


ckreutze t1_j66hour wrote

Seems like it sucks at drinking given that the water level doesn't noticably decrease


Jabicus t1_j66iyxe wrote

How long can Chevy hold their breath for?


Talestra t1_j66lpxq wrote

I'm sitting here like "CHEVY REMEMBER YOU GOTTA BREATHE!" but Chevy is lost in the crisp water.


Allalngthewatchtwer t1_j66p8j2 wrote

My corn, Apollo would stick his head out just enough from his bedding to drink then slither back underground. His favorite was scaring the crap out of my dad in the morning. All you would see was his head in a random spot. Chevy is handsome.


albanycavaclade t1_j66vfce wrote

yes and not sure if snakes are like this, but i know some some lizards are: you arent supposed to distupt them (pick them up etc) when theyre drinking or they will essentially drown themselves. has something to do with their airway function when they drink.


ChelseaTheReaper t1_j66w9r9 wrote

Can we please talk about the little nose bubble and how fricking adorable that is.


Mr_Funbuns t1_j6723r6 wrote

Snakes are so damn cool. Little land creatures with no legs. I love it


KittenPics t1_j680s5v wrote

I like the little air bubble in his nose.


magicmango2104 t1_j684fpi wrote

I've never thought about how a snake drinks but this is not what I would have expected


skinnfin t1_j687o2u wrote

the guy seems to have existential crisis. gif


gimpycpu t1_j68njzb wrote

First time ever i see a snek drinking


Jackalodeath t1_j68oy16 wrote

One thing to note; cold blooded critters don't need to do much of anything as frequently as we do.

By comparison we're extremely high maintenance; we have to source and actively burn a majority of our caloric intake - which requires O2 to happen - just to maintain our body temp. Chevy's body temp is more "right place, right time." Food gets scarce, if they can keep their temp on the lower end they can easily go weeks, possibly months without a meal.