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_OnceUponAThyme_ t1_j5n3s4d wrote

This dude looks like he just chugged 6 Redbulls haha I had to draw him!!


Welpe OP t1_j5n7p9q wrote

Oh my god, this is incredible! Thank you so much! I seriously love this and if you don’t mind I may share it around to others who love him!


_OnceUponAThyme_ t1_j5nav05 wrote

Aw omg of course!! He’s so precious! I love doodling pictures I find on here. You’re more than welcome to do whatever you’d like with it! Here’s a version without the signature you’re more than welcome to use!


Welpe OP t1_j5nb97z wrote

There is no way I would not credit you, but thanks. I’m tempted to try and make stickers or something, you seriously capture his “Disney spaz sidekick” nature so strongly in the sketch haha.


_OnceUponAThyme_ t1_j5nbh0u wrote

That’s an awesome description of the energy in this picture haha! I gave it a lil blur to emphasize the spaz


Xtina1680 t1_j5rzzb6 wrote

your talent is…wow. if i had a dog, id send his pic your way! i hope this is a side hustle for you, custom portraits. could be super lucrative and on your time. but for now, beautiful artistry. i love this drawing! you got some skills!


_OnceUponAThyme_ t1_j5scavm wrote

wow, thank you so much!! that’s so so kind of you!! I’m hoping to one day get up the courage to maybe start an Etsy shop or something similar, but for now it’s just for fun :D I really appreciate your kind words!


Xtina1680 t1_j5v6tjl wrote

im only speaking the truth! i get that its fun but youve got a great gift to share with people. if you have the time and inclination, id set up shop and start slow. pet lovers will really go nuts for your work! best of luck! (and come back and share the link once youre up and running!) 😃


Willing_Trust9193 t1_j5muw5x wrote

Cuteness is how he gets away with being a pain in the butt.


Welpe OP t1_j5muzie wrote

Unfortunately yes…he is impossible to stay mad at, even barking at 2am. It’s basically cheating.


Willing_Trust9193 t1_j5mwgvo wrote

My boi would hang his head and glance up at me before I even got the chance to scold him over something. Lol I would cave right away but I leaned to keep my “awww” inside and give him a stern finger waving.


TheBearWhoLikesBeans t1_j5mx7sq wrote



Welpe OP t1_j5mxiff wrote

Amusingly, he is absolutely weird about food, but not in the way we expected! He will of course try to ignore his food for treats, but he will also just leave his food alone in his bowl or puzzle dish for HOURS, even when we know he is hungry!

The thing is, he has no actual problems eating his food and we switched to this one because he was stealing it from my roommate’s family dogs whenever he went over. He just seems to be contrary.


Welpe OP t1_j5mubpb wrote

He is a pretty healthy mix mutt from the shelter we got as a puppy and, admittedly, it was our fault naming him Poki and cursing him to be a loud excitable happy little buttmunch. A quarter border collie and australian shepherd, but the other 25% we know from DNA is a COMPLETELY unexpected breed. I highly doubt anyone could guess from this picture given the one trait I recognize from the breed isn't being shown off very well.


big_kitty_enjoyer t1_j5q97q4 wrote

Chow chow


Welpe OP t1_j5qzx2y wrote

Oh my god.

What?! How did you do that? Are…are you magic? Did I miss something obvious? I’m seriously mind blown here, I need to know how you guessed that!


big_kitty_enjoyer t1_j5r3o8y wrote

I know a chowder collie when I see one

I also cheated by being the one who took the picture (hi roomie!)


Welpe OP t1_j5r41ub wrote

You got me! I thought someone was the best dog identifier in the world but it’s just his mom. So much for my dreams of a secret chowder collie cabal…


tabbercat t1_j5rs9l6 wrote

My dog looks just like your but she’s only 45 lbs (she’s 2 years old now). What’s the other breed?


Welpe OP t1_j5rsr8h wrote

He's 25% chow chow. We call him our "Chowder Collie". It is REALLY hard to see it in him except for the fact he has that classic Spitz tail, with it curling up above his butt, something you can't really see here. It also come across in his stubbornness haha.


tabbercat t1_j5rubr4 wrote

Omg that is crazy!!! I definitely wouldn’t have guessed chow chow! We haven’t done the DNA test on our dog yet. We think she’s border collie and blue heeler. She has the exact same chest and paws as your dog, and her face is very similar. So weird!


Welpe OP t1_j5rv71q wrote

Yup, both the shelter and we thought he was a Border Collie/Australian Shepherd. We were expecting him to grow to the size of your dog, so when he hit 50 pounds and showed no signs of stopping we splurged on the DNA test. 25% Border Collie, 12.5% Australian Shepherd, but then 25% Chow Chow (From both sides?!) and 12.5% German Shepherd. Last quarter is “Too mixed”. So he is a right proper mutt, just with that strong Border mix look!

You’re probably right on the money for your dog, she sounds like what we expected haha. If you ever do get her DNA tested, I’d love if you shared a picture and the results! My last dog was also a Border/Aussie mix so I am biased and love the breed.


Oath-CupCake t1_j5mzktf wrote

Looks like he ready for zoomies around the house


Welpe OP t1_j5n9gjt wrote

He is sadly ALWAYS ready for zoomies around the house, even at 3 am sometimes…He has no chill!

He also apparently isn’t smart enough to jump onto beds UNLESS he has the zoomies, then it’s no problem…


tengosolonada t1_j5nah9k wrote

Looks like a spaz in the best way.


SpringTraps t1_j5nt5ks wrote

Oh boy, I thought he was wearing dog shoes at first.


Welpe OP t1_j5o3zqi wrote

He just gots those cookies and cream toes